International Marketing Issues

International Marketing Issues

International Marketing Issues: What to Watch Out For

Diving into international marketing requires more than simply identifying and pursuing a new market. The method requires a lot of foresight and local knowledge to avoid the disruption of legal and cultural issues. It will all be important to prepare for and resolve linguistic and cultural gaps, changing political systems, and policy that safeguards for various products.

International Marketing Issues

Some Issues in International Marketing To Watch Out For

We will take a look at the possible issues when you try to market a product in other countries. Let us look into it:

  1. Local language – The unfamiliar language used in marketing products or services is always challenging. In translation from one language to the next, meaning and implication are often lost, while local dialects and conversations become even more cloudy. Direct translations of your tag lines and phrases often produce confused or forced statements that local people immediately discern as foreign. Therefore, ads should be reworked from scratch in a way that specifically appeals to the local population, using local terminology and showing good cultural know-how.

International Marketing Issues

International Marketing Issues

2. Unfair competition – Over and above outside companies, laws, and regulations exist in many cases. In these cases, you may have to deal with the tariffs and limitations your marketing and distribution network must never take into account. To make local products more attractive to the customer, for example, if you start a marketing campaign in an international destination, the price you advertise may artificially increase. You may need to change your marketing message and approach so that attention is shifted from the cheaper price point to the benefit of your product or service which separates you from other more affordable options.

International Marketing Issues

3. Politics – Many parts of the world are economically and legally less secure than others. In this area, the challenges that you face as a marketing manager can change as quickly as the next or even the next elections. Unrest makes it harder and less predictable for all businesses in the future. The ebb and flow of the company must be taken into account in such marketing campaigns and more focus on constants than trends. Depending on the philosophy of the leaders and on the side effects of the process, a changing political environment can affect your ability to sell goods in this region. When the new administration chooses no longer to allow external companies in your industry, the initiative you have worked so hard can be ineffective.

International Marketing Issues

4. Various customer preferences – The segments of the foreign market have their own needs, wishes, and taste. It must all be evaluated and taken into account when designing the campaign. What happens on a particular market can be popular on another market, and in different destinations around the world what is hottest can be looked at with curiosity or even negativity. Market analysis and market trends are an important factor in thinking about your new market and preventing customer refusal problems. You can have the world’s most beautiful, effective and comprehensive marketing, but it will not sell if the consumer doesn’t want the product.

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  1. Arjay Solitario

    Launching a product in an international is not a walk in the park. As a business manager, it is important that you must be aware of the possible challenges you will face. Among the many, one thing that to me is most critical is the politics.
    For example, Tesla who started selling its electric vehicle in China has been under a Beijing crackdown and their sales in China plunged by 60% in a matter of a month. The crackdown is due to the fact the China would like to compete in the electric vehicle market share. This is one example which politics in one country can ruin your international business sales.
    The crackdown is a big problem for Tesla especially that they opened an assembly plant in Shanghai so they can support the Chinese market, but it seems to be profiting less than it should.

  2. Iche Calates

    Marketing people in one company have a bigger role as we have expected. They are the ones who bring profit or revenue to the company. Without their efforts and strategies, the company or the products will not be known. But doing this internationally is much tougher and difficult.

    This blog has already mentioned the language, and if we say language will matter, so culture is. And if culture is mentioned, so is church and religion too. When making marketing strategies, we should be careful, we should avoid mentioning politics, church or religion. These are the topics that can offend someone. Every country has different practices and culture. Also, marketers should be careful not to be racist when doing an advertisement. All angles should be checked before it releases.

    One of the tips I can give to be an effective marketer is you should know what are the trends now! You should have access to all social media platforms. All works now are online, so marketing should be.

  3. Bea Berio

    International markets are difficult to navigate since there are so many important elements at play. Cultural differences and political situations in other countries, in particular, pose a variety of challenges when marketing internationally that require careful attention.

    The issues encountered with using local language in marketing campaigns is a very interesting topic for me. Marketing blunders demonstrate that internationalization isn’t always as simple as it appears. Direct translations of slogans can give the wrong message and might not only discourage the target market from purchasing the products, but it can also influence them to boycott the company or brand. This issue alone is already a huge loss for the company. There needs to be a constant effort for the company to thoroughly research and understand their target market’s culture, needs and preferences. Companies can also ensure that they have team members who understand the culture of the country to guarantee that the message can truly connect with the target audience. Partnering with local agencies or consultants can also be an option.

    Expanding internationally may be an exciting move, but without proper knowledge about the local culture can lead to disastrous outcomes. Companies must resonate with the local audience in order to succeed on an international scale.

  4. Marketing is one of the main parts of every business. To be known in the international market you should have good marketing strategies. People know your business in terms of your advertisements. Businesses secure that they introduced their company and known in the international market.
    Pandemic hits businesses with a negative approach. Companies were suffering from economic deficiency due to the present situation. Companies should develop or find new ideas and strategies to overcome and standstill. Create a new product line and adopt the new normal. Still consider beliefs and traditions in other countries in your business.

  5. I believe that one of the strategic planning difficulties that a firm will face as a result of COVID-19 is that it will limit the breadth of its marketing campaigns to consumers who can easily access its items and/or services. Many passages and channels have been closed as a result of COVID-19, and products are no longer allowed to cross borders. One factor is politics the economy is literally interfering in economics, healthcare, and business regulations. The medical community must bring the public up to date on the virus’s progress.

  6. Jen Benoman

    May it be global or international marketing, language, aside from it plays a vital role in doing business but also is really the major problem faced by anyone especially in dealing with business. How can we even sell our products to other countries if we are not well-versed in communicating even by using simple language? Also, even knowing the norms or culture of the countries we partner with are as important as it is. Competition and politics also adds up to the burden. It’s a lot of work to manage but once you address and even get rid of those challenges, for sure you will seamlessly manage your business internationally.

  7. Gracelyn Mae G. Nico

    . Going global is usually a big shot venture in every business but it does have challenges especially now that we are experiencing the effect of COVID-19 Pandemic. It is very important to execute plans in order for us to address some of the main obstacles that we will need to overcome in order to succeed. COVID-19 is not just a health crisis but an economy crisis as well. Many businesses were forced to closed for a period of time and others who were not lucky enough declared bankruptcy. With this, many became unemployed, others experienced a decrease in their income and are barely getting by. The transport and tourism industry was also affected, considering the fact that tourism greatly helped in our country’s economy.
    We are expecting that financial markets will continue to be unpredictable considering the spread of virus which continues to disrupt economic activities and created negative impact on services and manufacturing industries. It is still a mystery whether this crisis will create a lasting structural imoact on the global economy. It is important for the business to adjust with this situation in order to survive. they must think of ways on how to adapt with the pandemic that into my observation will become part of our daily lives.

  8. Kevene Anthony M. Ting

    In international marketing, you must see to it that you do not disrupt the legal and cultural issues. These are my reactions and comments about the possible issues presented in the blog when you try to market a product in other countries:
    The local language of the target market should be learned by the exporter. In marketing to other countries, we should check everything, including slogans and other features and make sure that it does not go against the beliefs and cultures of your customers. In advertising, the use of words and translations should be studied properly that it can attract more customers to buy your product, instead of customers getting offended by your product due to offensive translations from the original local tagline or slogan.
    Dealing with tariffs, laws and regulations of other countries limits your marketing and distribution network. You must put in mind that the price may vary or increase. In that case, you have to change your approach so that the attention of the market will also be diverted to your product. In advertising, mention why is it that your product is needed by your customers and why is it more beneficial compared to those lower-cost products offered by your competitors. In that way, they will focus on those aspects rather than the price increase.
    In dealing with changes in politics, be ready and embrace the changes that are coming which may be unpredictable. Changes in the political environment can also affect the business transactions, especially when the new leaders decide not to allow external companies in that industry, you can lose a target market.
    Various customer preferences are also very important things to consider. What may be good in your local country, may not be the preference of other countries. The best thing to do is to know more about your target markets per location. In the case of KFC, they offer other variations in their menus in other countries. I witnessed different variations of their chicken in Thailand which is not sold here in the Philippines. Lastly, make a market analysis and analyze new trends about your market to avoid your products from getting ignored in the global market.
    The content of the blog is very informative. It clearly states the issues that we can prepare ahead of time. The good about this is that it helps us, students and entrepreneurs, to be a step ahead of others. This is something that we can relate to since it highlights the realities in the international market. There are also changes brought about by the pandemic, just like the laws and regulations of each country which are stricter than before. We have to know our target markets very well, satisfy them and adjust our offerings according to their preferences. I am sure that they will patronize our products even if it is more expensive compared to our competitors due to other charges along the way for as long as it captures beyond their level of satisfaction.

  9. Apollo Jose Ocillada

    We must consider the future of global marketing and its critical issues, challenges, and solutions.
    The slowdown in the developed markets has already begun.
    Growth is occurring in developed economies but at a much slower rate. Growth in developed markets has slowed. However, growth in these markets has been slow. As a result, all marketers must continue to pay attention to them.

    The developing world’s growth is slowing.
    Emerging markets pose a second global challenge by slowing global economic growth. Although emerging markets are not growing as quickly as developed markets, marketers should keep in mind that emerging markets will continue to grow faster than developed markets. These markets have a high demand for products and services due to their large population and rising income levels. Because of the global expansion of market share, international organizations must look to emerging markets in addition to developed markets.

    Demographics are an essential factor in business success. Western developed markets have an older population than emerging markets. The growing number of emerging markets will continue to be a key trend for the marketing industry, with global organizations devoting time and resources to serving those markets.

    Competition and innovation
    Increased competition and innovation are the fourth significant considerations. Emerging market firms will increasingly challenge developed-world firms in the future. Organizations that want to cut costs or improve customer perceptions will need to be innovative.

    A role in advanced communication is required.
    Finally, communication gave a new level of importance. Companies originating in one part of the world are acquiring customers developing in other parts of the world. International marketing firms must devote more time and resources to customer communication.

  10. Izza Nicole Arcenas

    This pandemic has greatly affected each and every industry right now. International business during pre – pandemic was at their best phase but when pandemic came, international businesses come to become scattered already First, exports will be difficult to be processed due to restrictions made by each and every country a business industry will export. Second, skeletal workforce, factories only has minimal workforce to work due to the pandemic, a certain building cannot hold 100% of the full workforce to work in the building and this results to delays of the productivity to ensure supply and demand of the customers and the business owners in need of that product.

  11. Leddielyn C. Tomayao

    COVID-19 stopped the world in a heartbeat, and just like that, all crumble to the grounds. Some may find something of value out of this mess, but the majority of the world is suffering right now. Marketing in the International Market is challenging already even before COVID-19 because of the restrictions and differences each country has. This worsened when COVID-19 started to be in the picture.
    Since the economy is down, businesses reduced budgets to contain more losses – that includes slashing the marketing budget. It is now impractical to lavishly spend on marketing programs because the return is not certain. Marketing Officers need to re-align their strategy around free or if not, cheap marketing channels. The focus is to bring your product to the homes of your consumer – online.
    Another, some countries are now stricter on what country the product came from. Some countries ban products that they find alarming because they may come from a country greatly affected by the virus. You have to have a strong campaign to penetrate these countries. Marketing needs to re-align their programs that lower down costs and at the same time help suffering communities. Like for example, instead of hosting an expensive event, why not allocate a portion of the income to health programs of the country.

  12. Rachelle Beth M. Balansag

    One of my goals as a business owner is to expand my company internationally. Thanks for this article for the heads up! When it comes to local language, that might be really one of the issues that I will deal with. Though not final and not studied yet, my first target country on my mind is South Korea. I think I should start learning the language now hehe. Of course, though, someone I trust should know the language as well. It can be a friend, an employee, a partner or a business consulting firm to help me expand my business there. I think it would lessen the hardships of expanding in Korea.

    There might also be unfair competition in the place. There might be limitations for foreigners in conducting businesses. It will be harder too cause we will be new in the market, with big brands around, it will not be easy to gain the trust of the people to try and trust our products. Pricing should be considered since higher costs are acquired because of expanding internationally.

    I agree that our customers have various customer preferences. Even here on the national level, our customers are from different backgrounds. No size fits all in our marketing strategy. We conducted market analysis through the help of the experts. If it is being done in the national level, how much more in the international level!

  13. Marnell Demonteverde

    Venturing to international market is a very bold move to a company. It involves a lot of (capital) investment including the name of the company. Thus, marketing research is a must. A well conducted marketing research will guide the company in planning and decision making. Further, it also helps the company what strategies should be applied in order to hurdle and manage these issues.
    May I add the issue on Covid-19 pandemic. Each country has its own strategies in fighting this pandemic especially its effect on the economy. Hence, we need a marketing research on how this pandemic affect market preferences, government regulations, competition, health protocols, and many more.

  14. Thank you for the insightful post. I liked the political area the best.

  15. Zandra I. Garagara

    The international market would the business would be facing right now is workforce due to skeleton schedule of some business. Many businesses temporarily closed for losses they have in this pandemic.
    Some businesses such such pharmacy where stable but have greater risk. Some business prefer their to work form home but it has many disadvantage as some employees were not that passionate. Like fuel industry also greatly affected even they belong to basic commodities.
    Different customer preferences would challenge business on how they like due to this pandemic. May China products may dislike by other people because the virus comes from that country. Some people posted rudeness if that thing was from China. It leads costumer to be fearful even some studies inform that the virus cannot spread just touching the parcel or goods.

  16. Rennie Craus

    Recently we have experienced how to modify our operations just to be suitable with the current situation or crisis pose by corona virus 2019. We faced issues that has never been seen knor expected by many. Business aspects that we focused more are adversersely affected just like our marketing strategies thus, we need to take an advance action to counter the said issue.

    Customer relationship is now affected by the global pandemic, since we are not able to resume our production we need to tap our consumer and let them grasp why they cant purchased their desired products/services and now the market changes. The only way I would address this issue is to establish group of people who will assess the current marketing failure that the company has experienced this crisis and tackle issues concerning marketing and build decisions. They have to come up with plans to widen its market and effectively reach their consumers. Consumer relationship in marketing plays a vital role to maintain their loyalty to us and if they remain to us they will bring in more loyal customers and will understand any changes you intend to do.

    The second problem i would like to put emphasis is the lack of pandemic marketing shift, this drastic change needs drastic approach in terms of our marketing style. As everything seems to be amending, we have to think through the other side of the coin. Our unpreparedness on this matter will yield to failed business operation. Our channel of communication with consumers should always be maintained to convey business-consumer rapport.

    We need to provide our remote customers or even suppliers through the use of information technology and as mentioned above an effective channel of communication. Making far based customers feel near to us though we have limited mobility. To name a few example, the business that is now having an effective marketing strategy is Food Panda that is now internationally operating and leaving behind its closed competitor Grab Food. Since they have an effective marketing strategy this business has undeniably emerged this pandemic, they have small charges yet with the vast number of people taking their food orders through them give them more than enough income. We all need to turn this negative situation into a scenario advantageous to us.

  17. Shanelle Anne Machan

    Most business will be facing this kind of international marketing issues:
    First, is Sales lost, during this time of pandemic consumers prioritized health products yo avoid the said virus eg Alcohol, face mask, and vitamins and other necessities Some establishments use discounts as much as 50% as one of their Marketing strategies during this pandemic, especially in the Retail business Second is discrimination at this time, there may already be discrimination happening especially to those products from the affected countries. Consumers and Investors may think that it is safer to do business with those countries who have a few cases affected by CoVid19. By providing certifications or statements that your business is observing strict safety and disinfection guidelines and protocols this can boost the business’ marketing also to rebuild the trust of the target customers and consumers.lastly, logistics due to the CoVid19, the shipment of products has also been affected. Most of the establishments were temporarily closed due to lockdown. Transportation in each place was very limited or none at all. It can also cause cancellation of orders especially when the orders took too long to be delivered or shipped. Based on my experience I ordered something online before the officials declared lockdown or ECQ in our area my order was delivered to my doorsteps 3-4 weeks before ECQ due to delay this may also cause a Customer dissatisfaction.

  18. Mark Jayson Torres

    The two issues that the international business will be facing because of COVD-19 are:


    In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, export controls on food is gradually restricted and it caused slowing down in market. Aside from the Philippines which is a major exporter, other countries such as Vietnam and Russia are also suffering from it. This two big countries are major suppliers of oats and cereals which is one essential food in many countries. If restrictions of food will still tighten, majority of the exporting business will deteriorate and many countries will experienced shortage of food and hoarding will occur. And before this problem will arise, the government should think other options to addressed this kind of problem.


    The COVID-19 pandemic is a health and humanitarian crisis that affects the state economy of many countries. This outbreak resulted a call of action for the travel industry, and it resulted to rapidly cancellation of many flights, trips and bookings of many clientele. Currently, passenger travel and tourism is now a huge problem in the economy. Travel companies are now making rapid decisions that will affect their survival.

    As the demand falls and as border lines closed in many countries and cities, the travel industry is slowing today at an unknown rate of progress. Ships and cruises have stopped already because if this pandemic. Airlines have closed all their scheduled service and accommodations form different hotels and restaurants and it resulted to a low income.

    Assuring public safety is more highly important amidst this pandemic. The industry will be rising and rebuild soon and the new normal will be practiced and it will have its new normal set up.

  19. Henry L. Umadhay

    Given the effect of COVID-19 in business, what would be the international marketing issues that any business will be facing? Give at least two (2) and provide solutions.

    The COVID-19 pandemic brought great danger to international business. Every sectors not only business struck by this unprecedented event which sudden the world governments, institution and global economy. I identify two (2) marketing issues the business will facing a midst this crisis.
    1. Treat for business closure and financial loss- In an attempt to contain the pandemic, many business operations reduce business activities. Many big or small businesses downsize its operation, lay off some of workers and closing temporary a facility or business.
    In order to address this problem the business should adopt flexibility measures and implement the strategic plan during crisis. This plan should have been done in the past and updated every time to address the current situation. They can still operate with limited manpower resources in the facility or business but can still work with the scheme like
    a. Work from home- Many business organization can still operational with employees working at their abode.
    b. On-line transaction- Business activities will go on by on-line purchase order, on -line negotiations using many on-line flat forms.

    2. Employee retrenchment- During this worldwide pandemic many business owners are contemplating to suspend or close their business. Many employees affected by this event. In order to address this problem the employer can do the following:
    a. Financial assistance- The employer or business owner can payback now the loyal employees whom during normal situation help the company achieve its corporate goal and profit margin.
    b. Priority- The Company should consider the temporary displacement of employees and they are still the priority when normalcy come back.

  20. Rebecca S. Cabigo

    1. China products would be slow down or banned in some countries since they are the carrier of the most popular COVID 19 disease. Even if the virus slows down fast as the numbers have dropped in China, businesses are going to struggle for well over a year because they will have to make up for their losses. Retail sales drastically drop and unemployment rate jumped up. What should be done? Redesign the marketing strategy, find ways how to cope up with this issue. After they survive the crisis in their country, China starts rebuilding their economy. Buying of share of stocks in the International market helps the economy stronger is what China did. Building a strong relationship to alliance countries to sustain the economy.

    2. Another problem is on the Travel agency, hotels and Airlines. As lock down was observed in almost of the countries, Travel agencies experienced how being hit by the corona virus pandemic. They find it difficult to finalize the booking of the customer since we don’t know when it will end this pandemic. The cancellation of the trips and tours around the world is their biggest cry. Obviously, it will take a while before travel business begins to recover. What they did is rescheduling and rebooking of the trips. Some of the hotels are being used as temporary house of the front liners and healthcare workers which is somehow can be used as their marketing strategy. Also, sending emails to customers as their marketing campaign. Convincing customers to pursue passion for travel once they are able to venture out and about again. Giving hope for the customers to solve the problem that are existing. Changing marketing advertisement can be an option also.

  21. Justin Myko G. Agpangan

    Due to COVID-19, I think that one internal marketing issues that a business will face is that it might limit the scope of its marketing efforts to buyers that could easily avail of its products or services. Due to COVID-19, lots of passages and routes have been closed and there’s banning of products entering from one country to the other. The other is politics, governmental is always intervening everyday regarding the economics, healthcare, and regulations of the company in the country. Healthcare industries need to inform people of progresses done to address the virus. Hospitals too – on top of marketing efforts – need to inform the people of the status of its patients that have COVID-19. These institutions are all affected by governmental regulations.


    The imbalance of global economy is being felt ( Parker, 2020). Business are going to struggle for a while even if the virus slows down fast as the numbers have dropped in China, businesses are going to struggle for over a year because they will have to make up for their losses. For example, in China the virus cost retail sales drop by 20.5% and the unemployment rate jumped to 26.2 in February (Patel, 2020).
    Given the effect coronavirus in businesses the unfair competition will be one of the marketing issues that can trigger different entries.
    A key measure in the finance bill relates to strengthening the legal authority of custom officials in questioning the origin of the goods imported under the FDA (Srivastava, 2020). Covid-19 effects export and import of businesses locally and internationally, countries became more strict about their policies and bills For example if our country will decide to export banana internationally the laws and regulation by the importing country should be observed, it is not only the product we export that is attractive but at the same time it will undergo the process accordingly.
    Politics also play a significant role for the issues of international marketing. The way politics affects business and marketing operations are typically two(2) which are: structural way and populists way. Structural influences are determined by elements that are already in place and are more less predictable active legislation, taxation, trade regulations, international treaties and agreements. Populists factors pertain to public identities and sensitivities that are linked to people’s political identity and can be related to ideology, history nationalism, even mythology, any element that is constitutive of people’s political identity has the potential to backlash if people feel it is being challenged or disrespected or if it undermines thei belief systen (Barbero, 2018).
    Unfair competition and politics are making issues that most businesses are facing during this end covid-19. The solution I can see in this situation is that business, countries and government should see each other as an ally during this crisis.
    Imbalance economy could regain its stability if organizations are lifting each other. Online marketing of products can enter in different countries and exporting of goods should have a reasonable market price. The government has a big impact to its country and has the power to rule and should not take the situation as personal issues but a helping hand to all affected countries.

  23. Ryeo Venn Abellanida

    Marketing Issues

    1. Trust. Because of the COVID-19, most marketing activities will be done online to reduce human contact. Unfortunately, online marketing is mostly abused and difficult to trust. Even how good your marketing platform is, there is always that skepticism that your product only looks good in the picture or video but not in actual. Ensuring that our product will arrive at their doorstep as advertised and these usually can be identified by other customers on the comments and rating of your product. Identifying a well-known local individual or company to rate/comment on your product and delivering the product as advertised and in good condition gives you and edge.

    2. Reliable Local Curriers. No matter how great your product is, it won’t matter if your product never arrives. Due to the COVID-19, the delivery of the product is greatly affected. By experience these past weeks, the order of supplies is all delayed due to the lockdown. A lot of shipment had been on-hold in ports or cannot be shipped. New orders take a minimum of three weeks to arrive instead of only a few days. The delay of shipment of your products may be more costly as well. Having a currier that can operate regardless of any pandemic that would occur is a great help in ensuring the delivery of your product. Again this goes back to my number one issue which is trust as well.

  24. Shanelle Anne Machan

    Most business will be facing this king of international marketing issues the first one is Considerable Diversities: different countries have their own civilization and culture. Global customers consider cultural and social diversities in terms of needs, preferences, languages, buying capacities, buying and consumption patterns, and etc. Social and personal characteristics of customers of different nationalities are real challenges to understand and incorporate. Compared to local and domestic markets, it is more difficult to understand the behavior of customers of other countries.Promoting products in international markets is a huge task. Message preparation and execution in suitable media in international markets is not easy. Content marketing is a type of digital marketing in which brands develop an on-going relationship with customers through content that is non-promotional and provides value at every touch. the second one is Falling growth rates in emerging markets Despite the fall in growth rates of a lot of emerging markets, a marketer should always remember that the emerging markets will continue to grow than the developed markets because of their large population and rising income levels which gives a boost to demand in these markets. and with that marketing organizations should look to the developed markets and focus their efforts on all emerging markets as well.

  25. Dhevie Salazar

    Businesses in international area will faced a huge marketing issues such as market adaptation and global logistics. Consumers are now reluctant to purchase products that they didn’t deemed necessary. Just for example, in online trading, market shares are at its low point, however buyers were skeptical to purchase big amount of shares as this pandemic don’t have clear path on when it all ends, per say they could save the money to buy necessities for the coming months. It’s almost the same delimma with global logistics because more and more countries were on lockdown. Stringent travel restrictions were placed on every borders and delivery products becomes harder every passing day. When relaunching products and services after the pandemic to other countries, consider that you are offering products to various set of customers understanding each other’s individuality.

  26. Vanessa Arcenas

    Politics have proven to be a huge headache in the middle of this pandemic. It is an international marketing issue because of differences in politics and leaders from country to country. Each government uses different strategies and approach as well as rules and regulations when it comes to business. To be able to market your product internationally, it is imperative for you to be knowledgeable of regulations and even political governance. Having this information will allow you to plan ahead your marketing strategy and placement of your product. In a way, this can result to another problem which is unfair competition. So knowing the limitations and tariffs will be vital for successfully placing your product in the international market.

  27. Mary grace Acejo

    1. Unfair Competition- Strengthen laws on trademark infringement, false advertising, unauthorized substitution, below cost selling etc. Especially for countries who abuses their dominant position and squeezing competitors out in the global market. Government could also help through financial support so that local business owners will have the chance to compete globally.

    2. Local language- is an issue when expanding globally or importing product and services as communication is vital in the business world. To try to overcome this barrier, a business/company can find a reliable interpreter service, Increase cultural awareness, use visual aids, train their staff to the local dialects, use technology and hire interpreters. Example, in battling the COVID 19, it would be easier to hire an interpreter and use visual aids to fully communicate with the locals of the country you are engage for better understanding of the products and services that you will be offering.

  28. Kris Laica M. Artos

    The issues that business will be facing are those customers will lose their trust for the products that they will be receiving specifically if they are ordering apparels. They are afraid that the product is from China although that the virus will not be automatically transmitted. We cannot blame cuatomers as well because of what is happening because of COVID-19. So in order for them to gain the trust of their customers they need to make sure that they have proper procedure and sanitizing the products.

    They are also facing unfair competition because they could having a hard time since lot of people were doing panic buying like alcohols, sanitizers, and other essential things. Competitors may have a product that would be lesser than the price but the quality is low. In order for their products to stay they have to matched the price of their competitors in order to gain customers despite of the quality. They should always make sure the quality so that once they’ve started to flactuate they have the reason for this.

  29. Vem Fernandez

    COVID 19 had locked down most businesses and had prevent them to move at the pace they were confidently used to. A business that will close down could not budge the economy but when businesses after businesses closes down, even temporarily, it will affect the entire ecomic health and will problem even the most ordinary citizen. Consumers buy from retailers who are dependent to wholesalers who are dependent to producers and manufacturers.
    China is where it all started and everyone dependent from China’s produce and services are greatly distressed to. China could have overcomed it by themselves but developing countries may suffer serious damages depending on how they are dependent to China. These domino effect is same as with other countries, businesses and industries dependent and even just related to each other.
    Another issue is the rapid decrease in employment. Our country is booming with our famous services here and especially abroad but our OFWs haven’t returned to their respective works for some have been locked down, leaving them unemployed.
    Job layoffs and closing down of businesses after another will just be the reason of the citizens not to have money to pay for the basic needs and other necessities to survive this pandemic. All we could do is just properly budget and minimize our spending and properly utilize what we have to survive. Let us be frugal and responsible citizens.

  30. Hazel Love Y. Baya

    Doing business internationally may expose you to a lot of marketing issues. These issues may reveal risks that can have a major impact on your business in a global market. In line with the COVID-19 crisis, two (2) marketing issues may possibly occur. First, in-store traffic. Afraid by being infected by the virus and together with the government policies, people choose to stay at home and to avoid the public. With this, a huge decline of in-store traffic in the establishment and a lower daily cash inflow. The manager may possibly choose to bring their product online and offer delivery services. People now are spending most of their time on social media. Advertising your business in social media may help the consumer be more aware of your products. Also, offering promos for local deliveries can be a catch for interested buyers who are afraid to go out of their houses. Second, the change in consumer behavior. COVID-19 made people realize that during times like this, fancy things are not essential to survive. There is a drastic change in the buying behavior of the consumer that includes panic buying of basic needs like food, alcohol, and tissue paper. The business may study the current buying behavior of the market and how it may affect the future. They may refocus their marketing strategy on promoting the importance of their product to the life of the consumer.

  31. Jijie B. Torrion

    The coronavirus outbreak is causing a global health emergency and a global economic slowdown affecting hundreds of thousands of people. In my opinion, listed below are the additional possible issues that the business will be facing.

    a. Supply Chain Risk and Disruption – Reduced exports due to logistical issues related to COVID-19. Many enterprises and factories have been temporarily been shut down in their logistic hubs and delivery routes due to restricted locations and closure. The supply chain must protect from serious and costly disruption and the best solutions are to increase inventory, adding capacity at different locations and multiple suppliers with this quick response it will improve supply chain cost efficiency.

    b. Pressure on Commodity prices – An increase in commodity prices has a positive impact on the global pandemic. Changes in prices are systemic shocks, such as hurricanes which can decimate the supply of agricultural products and subsequently increase supply costs. Therefore, a Good contingency plan is important for every aspect of the business. In simple words, the Contingency plan is backup plans for preventing risks when unforeseen situation disrupts.

  32. Joseph C. Gubat

    Apart from the abovementioned international marketing issues, adaptation to product offerings and logistics might also be considered. With the current scenario we faced brought by COVID-19 pandemic, businesses needs to adapt through providing products and services that addresses the current situation. For example, at this point businesses venturing in providing basic commodities, services and medical supplies must focus more in accomodating the demands caused by the pandemic. Supplies of these products and services must be readily available at any given time to ensure in-full distribution to affected areas.
    Logistics on the other hand, plays an important role amidst this pandemic. Supplies and services must be delivered on-time to aid affected individuals and their families. Effective deployment plan must be created to ensure on-time and in-full distribution of all the products and services needed in the fight against COVID-19.
    The war against COVID-19 is threatening, but with cooperation and unity amongst sectors of the society, this pandemic will end soon.

  33. Roland Feb Penas

    Question: Given the effect of COVID-19 in business, what would be the international marketing issues that any business will be facing? Give at least two (2) and provide solution.

    Answer: For me the two greatest international marketing issues will be: 1. Local Language and 2. Politics.
    Local language is very effective kind of marketing is manual and self approaches to actual customers. Because of language can cater, there is still actions and personal visual that can take place. But in technological, everything is being dealt with in communicative approaches in the internet or online. That means if there is trouble with the marketing communication in terms of language barriers, there will be a big possibility of falling out in marketing and eventually collapse of negotiation. That is a very big problem in the shift from manual marketing to technological innovations.
    Politics on the other hand, is simple the distortion of the standard operation procedures due to interest and sometimes money issue. Politics is always a problem even in the past or modern eras of marketing and business as a whole. If business personnel involves in politics. It will really end up complicated and later you will discover, insensible allocations that will lead to irrelevant marketing abilities.


    Given the effects of COVID-19 in business, what would be the International Marketing Issues that any business will be facing? As a result, brought by COVID-19 pandemic, there are International Marketing issues in the business world that should be dealt in order that your business will survive. There are many issues brought by the pandemic COVID-19, but to mention only two; 1. ECONOMY and 2. TARIFF BARRIERS.

    1. ECONOMY- as far as COVID-19 pandemic is concern, it adversely affect the world economy because of scare of the increasing mortality rate in the western region of the world which is considered as the top countries in terms of economy. Due to the catastrophe many business around the world closed their business to prevent the possible contagion of the virus. Variations in exchange rates in the International Stock Exchange is not stable. Currencies are trade everyday and rates are very flexible, appreciated or discounted to national and international markets against other currencies. In the event that will cause to the unstable moves (upward and down ward) currency or exchange rates, then it will create serious impact that needs to be settle. This effect can also bring serious impact in your business in the International Market. Why? The increase of production rates will seriously affected and all other factors governing the production and transportation from origin to destination, and will affect also the selling price of the product and probably your market will definitely affected. The mention consequences is inter-connected, so, this is one of the major issues will be facing by any business in the international setting.

    SOLUTION # 1. I have few suggestion that to resolve the issue on how to address the business in the global market where the world is loss its economic stability, in or order to survive you have to find possible solutions to achieve your goal. It’s is advisable that the procurement process will be done diligently to save resources, by searching, reading and soliciting information which and where is the best price procurement offers, which the quality and production cost of products is not sacrifice. Down sizing of personnel, to reduce excessive expenditure, make use of the tools available in the website, there’s a lot of software and application used in the business. The problem is to find the right application needed in the business. Take note of the progress of the business, it is a must to know what are the problems encountered that affects the operation and productivity output of the business, in order for you to make another strategy that is compatible with the business.

    2. TARIFF BARRIERS – Every country impose tariff taxes on imported products. This is an additional burden to all business that find them hard and difficult to earn profits. This tariff sometimes created as a strategy to prevent foreign products or to restricts international marketing activities. Frequent changes in tariffs rates in the global market in the various classification of products is very difficult for business to compete internationally.

    SOLUTION # 2. Tariff rates affect the production costs of products and services in your business and also it is an additional burden for the business to cope with the production cost versus the market price or value plus the competition with other international businesses and local brand. The best solution is to absorb the those changes and re-align your products with further modification in style, advertisements and looks. You may reduce the volume of your products: example: reduce weight from 500 grams to 400 grams, but you must give something for the 100 grams, by making your products more special in ads, packaging and the brand which is more inviting to your primary targets. In this particular modification, the costumer satisfaction factor can be diverted to that kind of changes. You may create a marketing programs and strategy that deals with on-line business, or if there is a possibility that the business can be shifted to on-line business, why not? For cost cutting, this business can be effective, Tariff is more expensive than shipping rate, and the advantage is less human intervention or manpower, while the disadvantages is loss of products. So address this kind of issue you may choose courier which is reliable. In business you cannot disregard the risk. ” “Remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and worst mistakes.”

  35. Zabdra I. Garagara

    3. Crisis we are facing right now are very different and frightening.
    Government responses to necessary solution to end the crisis. May politicians failed their basic duty to citizens due to delay announcement to avoid spreading of virus. They must be honest, transparent and as informed as possible for the awareness of people. They must engagement in specific sectors of health to keep supply chains and logistics open so that drugs, vaccines and masks are available to people. Due to crisis, health sector is the main focus to end this pandemic but the economic growth was affected also. Government controls private industrial sectors, so they must determine production quantity, price and employment for the welfare of everybody.

    Different customer preferences would challenge business on how they like due to this pandemic. May China products may dislike by other people because the virus comes from that country. Some people posted rudeness if that thing was from China. The best thing people might be doing is to take precautions, but don’t make extreme decisions out of fear. Be sure to help prevent the spread of misinformation which can be counter-productive at best and dangerous at worst.

  36. Alvin Ivar Bandiola

    3) a) Product Discrimination
    The market is like a battlefield. You have to know how to capture the taste and likes of your existing and potential customers. It is also a place where your competitors do the same. How you market a product must be evaluated thoroughly. Especially, when the product you market has a counterpart product on your competitor. Customers may comprehend how you market a product positively or negatively. If in one way or another you have stepped into the product of the competition, your customers or potential customers may take it negatively and cease to use your products which affects the business as a whole.
    -It is excellent to plan on how you market your products and send a positive vibe to your clients.

    b) Rise of more aggressive competitors.
    Because of COVID19, many businesses have been idle and yet they still incur expenses (salaries, other fixed costs, and charities). When these businesses start to operate again marketing will be more aggressive. And the advancement of technology invites more opportunities for new businesses, thus, the rise of more competition. Different marketing style arises and marketing ads in social media is so accessible and cheap that it is widely used medium for marketing.
    Businesses that produce product counterfeits also bring a big impact as a competition.
    -Innovate, adapt, and take advantage of whatsoever opportunity that may arise.

  37. Rennie Craus

    Companies face various strategic, operational and marketing issues such as delayed or interrupted supplies of raw materials,changes in customer demand, cost increases, logistics shortages leading to delays in delivery, employee health and safety protection issues, insufficient manpower, and logistics relating to import and export trade. Recently, we have seen increased attention and concern the potential of adversely affecting our business marketing strategies, the COVID 19 poses a major challenge for global marketing, we are currently facing a task on a scale which has not previously seen or experienced. Perhaps presumptive planning and action towards marketing strategies are required.

    One of the marketing issues is politics and customer relationship maintenanxe risks, risks arising from the inability to resume production in short term after an outbreak, organizations should cooperate with downstream customers to understand changes in client and market conditions and confirm the impact of resumption, order delivery, demand and market changes. The business may opt to immediately set up decision making teams for temporary major issues such as marketing emergency response team to build work objectives and emergency plan and ensure fastest possible decision that can me made to various situations. Enterprise should evaluate its own marketing professionals strenghts and if necessary, bring in professionals to match business and national needs during a pandemic.

    The second problem I would like to cite is the unprepared marketing strategy during a pandemic. Some businesses fail now due to unpreparedness that greately affects our marketing, to address this we need to establish emergency communication plans include key contacts, a chain of communications including customers and process for tracking and conveying business status.

    For example, in doing their planning business should look to the WHO’s six phase pandemic tracking model which has been the guide of US companies that is now exponentially hold the record of positive cases of this strain of virus. This model indicates the disciplined problem solving on the fly. Moreover, marketing issue will be solved through enhance communications and information technology infrastructures as needed to support remote customer needs.

  38. Louie O. Canlas

    Business Ethics and Racism:

    “Ethics refers to the moral principles, standards and norms of conduct of every individual in a company”. As this pandemic has a large scale negative impact in any businesses around the globe and almost of this business has taken a negative toll due to this pandemic.

    As we all know where this pandemic originates. As a solution in business, we still have have to maintain our business ethic and avoid racism in our partners, associates, and markets to avoid falling behind and in case of joint venture to avoid the unnecessary contradictions, misunderstanding and breaking of contracts.

    Policies in the Business Administration:

    As far as the policies are concerned in every businesses, the effect of this pandemic will likely to have a negative effect, not just in the employees but also in its partners in market.

    The solution would be is to evaluate first thoroughly, have some experts in the agreements, highly skilled and efficient consultants/executives/employees in decision and policy making before slashing out, because not dealing it properly will result in the confusions, misunderstanding and some bigger problems will arise if the policies is not being studied well by these experts.


    QUESTIONS: Given the effects of COVID-19 in businesses, what would be the international Marketing issues that any business will be facing? Give at least (2) two and provide solutions.
    • Logistics – I think given the effects of COVID-19, logistics will be one of the biggest dilemma of every business. Logistics comes with the aspect of dealing with the procurement, maintenance and transportation of facilities and personnel. Therefore most of the businesses will have to hurdle the difficulty of transporting the supplies and raw materials knowing that most of the countries limit the importation and exportation process.
    Solution: There is a need to encompass locations and activity tracking by means of boosting technological advancement. With the aid of technology supply chain management can easily be monitored. And can foster warehouse management that will help the business continue its operation despite the restrictions brought by the virus.
    • I think businesses will have to spend a lot of time doing contingency plan. The impact of this pandemic virus is very evident especially to multinational companies. Most of the companies counseled people to work from home. With this, it can be isolating and results in a loss of creativity.

    Solution: We are now in the digital era and I think the best way to maintain the effectiveness of the employee’s performance is through online platforms and virtual events. Virtual conference may become a more regular fixture on the trade show circuit.

  40. Ricky Jocson



    Nations would surely tigthen their belts thru revision of policies or even implementing new rules and regulations. There are other countries who already declared to close their state to protect their people. They will tithen or worse even closed their doors just to ensure the safety and security of their countrymen.
    Their will be overwhelming challenges and issues, the businesses will be facing. Prior to this happen, companies should be aware and ready start working their ABZ’s of plans. Here’s my simple thought that migth help.


    Offer products that can be accepted by different audience. Somewhat innovative that can be use in other purpose incase the state being supplied alone will close or refused to accept.


    If you are offering chemicals, ensure that MSDS (Master Safety Data Sheet) is ready including DO’s and DONT’s.
    If you are offering products for consumptions, ensure that it has a longer consumable dates to avoid lapses and damages incase of acceptance issue.


    We cannot deny the fact that, we are now in a digital or technological era. Doing markering strategies and posting online is a piece of cake. Their are paid institutions offer such like this.
    But their are also disadvantages on this, example of paid individuals, hackers, trools that are ready to you down and malign your business in aid of competition. I don’t have definite ideas on how they work, but companies needs to secure everything that they have amd protect it from any harm.
    Set up technical security protocols, hire capable individuals to manage and protect online transactions even deals.

  41. Henry L. Umadhay

    Given the effects of COVID-19 in businesses,what would be the International Marketing issues that any business will be facing?
    Give at least two (2) and provide solutions

    COVID -19 brought a standalone business risk.Existing business continuity plans may not be capable of handling the fast-moving and unknown variables of an outbreak. There are many issues arises in the world business community. How to have a response strategies and what would be the focus. There are key areas that the organization should focus like crisis management and response, workforce, operations and supply chain ,finance and liquidity,tax,trade and regulatory and the last one strategy and brand.
    I will address the two issues
    1. Business continuity plans not fitted for the present crisis.In order to address this issue and in better positioned to respond and recover,the organization should develop incident management and scenario plans that are specific to this crisis. As advice by the WHO,there is a need for business community to move from general support to specific actions. If your company capable or have the access to critical supplies this is the time to shift a bit to help address the current situation. The organization should focus on factually and effectively communicating to stakeholders. The business entity should plan to meet government priorities in individual countries and minimize the risk of business disruptions.
    2. Operations and supply chain- It is difficult to model and assess the triple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic but global business can begin to mitigate supply chain distributions.The company
    can identify alternative supply chain scenarios-especially as new cases of the virus emerge in different territories. Second, the business organization can activate pre-approved parts or raw-material substitutions and the last one to adapt allocations to customers and pricing strategies.
    It is depend on how the business organization playing up or playing down crises and staying open for business as long as possible versus seeking to reopen quickly.


    Given the effects of COVID-19 in businesses, what would be the International Marketing Issues that any business will be facing? Give at least two (2) and provide solutions.

    Even before the COVID-19 crisis arise, there are a lot of marketing issues faced by our businessmen, but with this crisis right now, probably (2) two of the marketing is issue are:
    1. Diverse Location – trading within or outside the country of a far distance itself is practically difficult. In terms of perishable goods, it is really a big challenge. Exporting and importing products via Sea or Land for effective selling involves the race of time as well as risk since Sea travel and Land travel right now have limited access to buyers, this could be a problem
    2. Terrorism – even before COVID-19, this is really a headache in the part of the sellers. As nation starving because of this crisis, many will go out from their original life and go for this just for them to survive. May that this will not be forgotten by the government.

  43. Ene J. Bauden

    Given the effect of COVID-19, business will be facing issues in international marketing because every country is developing their own solutions to COVID-19, I think this is going to be a severe challenge to Internationational Markets. Specifically, what rules are in place and how do we develop marketing strategies to comply with these rules. I think a solution to this is building stronger “local” relationships than even before.
    Also, because these are “changing” times, I think a challenge to organization is how to balance being relevant and with being timeless. By this I mean, how do you make sure that your strategies you develop are not out of date given that this things are changing so fast. Also, how do you make sure that you are not changing straregies with every new news report about how things are going. I think the only solution to this is be patient. Don’t rush into anything, specially if it is directly related to your product. Companies should respond to the crisis immediately by donating money or time., suspending work, etc. However, in terms of marketing strategies and campaigns, I would wait and see to understand how the market is going to change.

  44. Mark Jayson Torres

    The two issues that the international business will be facing because of COVD-19 are:


    In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, export controls on medical supplies like surgical/face masks and other medical supplies are gradually slowing the international response to the growing threat. But now, majority of the oats and cereals food exporters like Vietnam and Russia are experiencing with export restrictions. These kind of action for solving concerns about domestic food supplies is untimely. If most exporters are concerned about domestic food security, there are best way of achieving it.
    In uncertain times, aside from canned goods and other instant food packs. Oats and cereals are one of the most hoarded types of food also. Aside from being durable, these type of food product are easy of bulk purchase and gives nutritional benefits to our body. Indeed, oats, cereals, wheat and corn are also widely traded. In Middle East and Asia, rice are very important to reach the regulated food consumption of the people.

    And these are certainly uncertain times. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing runs on local food markets globally. But some major food exporting countries are taking matters farther. Russia, the world’s largest exporter of wheat banned their exports in the market because of the panic buying of the consumers in local supermarkets. After that some countries also followed like Ukraine and Kazakhstan. When it comes to rice, Vietnam who is also one of the most largest rice exporters did not impose or make some move like banning their products but instead they have this suspension and moratorium which assesses domestic stocks.

    We have been here before. In the year 2007-2008, these same countries and other large exporters conducted some form of export restrictions on grains. These restrictions were intended to cover those countries consumers’ from the high prices prevailing in the international markets.

    Given rising unemployment and food security increasing dependence on global food trade, and already high global food prices, the global economy can recover these types of damaged to market disruptions. Export restrictions are conditional instruments that further make worst to the problems they were designed to address. Thankfully, governments in major food exporting economies can take other measures to ensure adequate food supplies, from limiting purchases to reducing taxes on food grains and tapping into domestic emergency stocks to prevent incurious price high from forming and using more targeted transfers like food stamp program to address the needs of the most vulnerable populations. Collectively, governments should continue to advocate for more open, transparent, and well functioning global agricultural markets.


    The COVID-19 pandemic is a health and humanitarian crisis and it is also an economic effect. This outbreak resulted a call of action for the travel industry to now rapidly assess these fast-changing developments, and the ensuing impact on their people, their customers and their business. Currently, passenger travel and tourism is a public health hazard as well as a global economic problem. Travel companies are now making rapid decisions that will affect their survival.

    As the demand falls and as border lines closed, the travel industry is slowing today at an unknown rate of progress. Ships and cruises have stopped, majority of the airlines have closed all scheduled service and hotel accommodations were falling low. The industry will be rising and rebuild soon and the will back to its normal set up.

    Because passengers coming from air travel is the fastest vector for virus transmission, it is the most dangerous path for this economic crisis. Governments are recognizing this at different areas, but the end outcome is clear. Most, if not all, borders will be lockdown to people for as long as the virus continue to spread. The recovery for this crisis will only start when measures have been taken and travel is judged safe. So yo resolved it, domestic passenger aviation will resume first, followed by international travel on a bi-lateral basis. When proven safe, national aviation systems will open back up to each other and the flow of people will again begin.

    Government support is coming, with strings attached. Government support to economies is beginning in earnest. Travel companies need to be prepared to address the demands that will be placed on them when they accept the funding, irrespective of the source. Assuring public safety, creating wins for people and other themes can help travel companies ‘reset’ and potentially come out better than ever. The determination of those strings will be political, and the industry still has time to work with politicians and others to shape those demands for stronger, safer, and more resilient travel.

  45. Rowena Saylon

    Given the effects of COVID-19, the companies might face different marketing issues. Some of which are:

    * Paucity of supply
    Due to the shutdown of most businesses during this pandemic period, there will be no enough sources of supplies for production. The company can invest in equipment that will be able to produce the required materials for the production or innovate products using available resources.

    *Scarcity of demand
    The hindrance to import/export operations due to this pandemic COVID result in the downfall of the economy. In that case, a company can divert investment for products suitable for this time of crisis, like medical supplies, etc. In current situations, customers will only purchase the necessities.

  46. Jarvis Ames Suyo

    “The political effects of the COVID-19 in advanced economies could be as substantial as the economic effects. Leaders from South Korea, Japan, and USA has been sharply criticised for mishandling the virus and allowing cases to increase.” (Foreign Policy Research Instute, 2020)

    “The COVID-19 pandemic currently sweeping across the world is more tham a public health emergency. It poses unprecedented threats to national and international security, and fighting it will resemble a major war involving similar number of fatalities.”(Calderon, 2020)

    The two issues that would greatly affect international marketing would be a) Politics and b) Terrorism and Racism.

    COVID-19 can greatly change the entire political landscape of the world. Leaders of developed countries are criticised for mishandling the situation and this has affected the support the masses are giving them. Some citizens of their respective countries are calling for the resignation of their leaders, if this trend continues we can expect countries to also shift to other political parties and changes in government policies will also follow. Terrorism and Racism also plays a huge part in international marketing, with conspiracies being thrown by China and USA back-in-forth at each other on who started the virus, we can also expect political and economic repercussions to follow. COVID-19 is viewed by some leaders in western countries as an indirect sabotage to economies.

    To combat this, businesses must be able to adapt to changing political and government policies. It would be wise for businesses to maintain conformity to requirements and regulatory mandates as they are based on actual laws rather than political affiliations. Products being marketed should be careful in making political statements, businesses should always remember their social responsibilities but they also shouldn’t forget not to aggravate a situation and create a sociopolitical divide. It would be wiser for them to create products that can help in providing the needs of the citizens of the country while also promoting critical thinking like with what a food manufacturing company is currently doing in the Philippines. For sure, their will be a stigma in buying asian products, even technological giants such as Apple, Samsung, and Huawei are affected by this virus. Rants on terrorism will haunt international trade and therefore it is important for businesses to promote a more customer centered approach where customers will be the main focus in promoting the brand. Businesses should reach out to the global community and send a message that they are one in fighting the pandemic and customer’s satisfaction is their number one priority.

  47. Marie Bernadette Maquiling

    1. Consumer discrimination: Products from affected countries may suffer from discrimination upon return of normal international business especially China. This consumer discrimination is already happening during the pandemic. One way to avoid this is securing certifications from internationally recognized organizations that help companies adhere to quality and safety standards. If this is already in place, boost marketing emphasizing on the compliance of the product to the standards. Also, re-assuring returning customers that they will be enjoying the same product quality with their minds at ease.

    2. Price sensitivity: Most business operations have been paralyzed with nations locking down both air and water ports in order to contain the spread of the pandemic to a minimal level. As such, most international businesses suffer a downtime in some of their branches due to lack of supplies and imposed community quarantines. Regardless of this situation, expenses continue to be incurred in employee salaries, movement of necessary goods, port storage and handling. As a result, companies must be looking forward to return to normal operations and recover costs from such circumstances. But customers might be sensitive to prices especially those with livelihoods affected on loss of employment or diminished salaries. Marketing can intervene for pricing schemes that will allow the company to recover losses and at the same time retain and possibly gain new markets once normal business returns.

  48. April Rose J. Balongo

    International market are more dynamics, uncertain and challenging. Cultural diversities and political issues in other nations create barriers that needed special attention. Though we are living in a world were technology is already advance, yet international marketing is not yet easy to pursue. For me, these are the two (2) issues that international marketing should face amidst the pandemic and their possible solution.

    Identifying True Market Need. Bringing your business to the global market does not give any guarantee that the people of the foreign country will purchase your product. The consumer has a problem that needs to be solved and the products provides the solution. But before you can proceed with the products that you want to introduce to the foreign country, make sure that you have considered their culture, customs and even religious views that predominate in that country. Given the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers around the world will definitely purchase products that would boost their immune system and primary commodities essential for daily living. Medical and healthcare providers are on the limelight due to pandemic scare and they are the ones that needs urgent attention and solution. It is very important that the international market should focus on the needs of these practitioners in order to protect the consumers all over the world.

    Demographics & Diverse Geography. Another issue that international marketing is facing is the distance from one country to the other. Even with the help of technology such us video conferencing, other businesses may still prefer to establish personal relationship on a personal level. This means a significant investment in travel cost. Even time zone differences make it difficult to coordinate where collaboration is required. Transporting perishable products to another part of the world for instance faces a really greater challenge. Businesses should have considered the fastest means of transportation for the products to reached its final destination. Population, gender, age and other demographic details should take into consideration also in dealing with international marketing. Businesses make take advantage of the younger population of the emerging economies. We know that majority of the workforce today across the globe are millennial. Their unique trends and active lifestyles are different from other generations. International business should focus their marketing strategies on these group in order to attract these generations since most of them, if not all, are tech savvy and living in the world of internet.

  49. Jerald Maglantay

    QUESTION: Given the effects of COVID-19 in businesses, what would be the International Marketing Issues that any business will be facing? Give at least two (2) and provide solutions.

    The imbalance of the global economy is now being felt. But beyond that, where the companies and retail outlets and services are closing down, people often have far too little sick compensation, if any at all. Wage and job guarantees are lacking. The International Labor Organization (ILO) says we could lose up to 25 million jobs worldwide – and depending on the timeframe, it could be more serious than that. Therefore, one of the serious International Marketing Issues that we will face, is health care assistance and job security.

    First is, Health Care Assistance from companies will be the top priority of International Marketing. As workers from across the globe would want their companies to put health care assistance as there main agenda and top priority when the economy will be up and running again.

    Second, is the Job Security, as what we have seen different companies and businesses alike, tends to lay-off and displace workers without due compensation in times like this.

  50. Marife R. Beldia

    Given the crisis we are into right now, I think issues International Marketing may face are LOGISTICS and WORKFORCE PRODUCTIVITY. Because of lockdowns implemented by different countries in the region, businesses find it hard to deliver and transport goods today. However, when this pandemic is over, businesses may experience port congestion and traffic in roads causing delays and longer lead time in delivery. Workforce productivity may also be an added concern since employees may not be as efficient and effective anymore due to the long hiatus that they endured.

    It is imperative therefore for businesses to find ways to address these concerns. They may offer discounts or freebies to their customers for the delay in shipment of goods or may directly shipped products to their customers. Employees on the other may be given added rewards or incentives like free movie ticket to encourage good attendance in the office.

    In that way, businesses will still continue to thrive despite the downtime it sustained.

  51. Angel Mae Carlson

    COVID-19 is part of the headline almost anywhere around the globe. It has been causing chaos to everybody especially those affected directly. Economists predicts its future impact and businessmen are in the battlefield trying to keep their business afloat. A lot of circumstances and locally policies have affected our decision making. If we shift the lens on businesses, particularly in Marketing, we can see several issues and barriers this department is facing.
    Marketing is a very important department in each company because the represent the company an create an image “branding” that should impact their target market. Yet the current pandemic may have caused a challenge to Marketing Managers on how to maintain their presence despite the chaos and panic. In these times, you can’t stick and be forceful in marketing your products because more likely people are panicking and not thinking straight. They may not have time to notice your advertisements and you’ll end up wasting money. I think one major issue is our policy on Social Distancing. This means, marketing can’t organize events, can’t conduct seminars or make organize any social gathering to promote the company or products especially if this involves violating the social distance we are trying to observe. Some cities are even under lock down or community quarantines wherein almost nobody can go out freely. Marketing heads usually use events and gather sponsors, some conduct training to promote their services or share their expertise and some attend job trades or job fairs. In the current pandemic, a possible solution for this is taking the opportunity to strengthen your online presence. Marketing has evolved from newspaper and radio stations to using the internet and social media networking sites. Many companies have adapted this strategy due the increase as well of the population who spend time using the internet. Instead of having trainings and seminars in public places, you can make webinars or create content on YouTube. In these platforms, for sure social distancing won’t be an issue. You can also create online events or online job fairs. There are several platforms you can use aside from YouTube which are Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Lastly, another issue in marketing is the fast spread of negative word of mouth through the internet. If you have noticed, once an issue is announced on the internet, everybody is on it and it stays trending for a very long period. Now this, is not a good impact if you’re trying to sustain good market image and branding. Personally, I have noticed that companies who have offered work from home options or financial assistance have been receiving good feedback from the netizens. As a recruiter, I usually use this to encourage more applicants and try to show them that our company cares for their employees. This is already a possible marketing strategy. Marketing strategies should stay relevant to the current times. Again, buy building your social media sites and digital space you can spread a good branding among the netizens. Some companies use their corporate social responsibility projects and post them on social media. These types of post’s usually hit two birds with one stone. You’re able to help those in need and at the same time, promote the good values and culture your company has. These are just a few issues marketing managers are facing. These may seem to be easy solutions but somethings are easier said than implemented. Thorough strategic planning is still needed every time.

  52. Genie Mae D. Panzo

    The impact on global chain and ads are now marketing issues ghat businesses have to face.Businesses is now grappling on how to continue their manufacturing operations since factories have been closer for along period of time which leads to disruption of production process. The solution is to start sourcing new regions aside from china, to continue looking in other countries and by giving a try in the local manufacturer to get production done. Second is the pulling back back of advertisement various brands hurriedly pulled ads because of they could appear insensitive during pandemic outbreak one of these is KFC campaign where people seen licking their fingers along piano after eating fried chicken also the hershey’s kisses latest ad campaign where they don’t observe social distancing. The solution is by replacing product-focused spots advertisement and by advising them to include preventive measures.Not all brands are suffering unlike lysol and other cleaning materials are selling out. Indeed it needs to be creative when doing advertisement and some are postponed or on hold but still ongoing after this pandemic.

  53. Rhea T. Prado

    Question: Given the effects of COVID-19 in businesses, what would be the International Marketing Issues that any business will be facing? Give at least two (2) and provide solutions.
    The COVID-19 outbreak brought great economy impact on all countries greatly affected by the damage caused by virus. There will be new International Marketing Issues emerge and change the face of the business world. Large, medium, and small enterprise will be better for them to realign their marketing strategy to curb the tremendous downfall of sales. To highlight with, the Global trust is one of the issues which may curtail the relationship of partner countries. This is because of the instability of financial and political aspects because of the effects of this pandemic. This will call for all companies to rebuild the eroding trust by showing support and assistance in all sense. Being transparent and more sincere in their actions and putting aside their company’s motive (gaining sales). Second, countries will be more focused on their own locally made products and helping them to stand up again. Governments will regulate the importation of goods to limit competition and protect their own small and medium industries. This is a big challenge for multinational companies, they may opt to lower their prices or even improve product features that could reduce psychological effects of COVID-19. The use of digital marketing and e-commerce is more practical when it comes to this concern since it is borderless and can reach numerous markets. Moreover, this may not be the last dilemma that multinational companies be facing there will be more. History speaks itself; the fight against viruses is never ending battle. Another outbreak may challenge us again and this will show how we learn from our experience. Multinational businesses must invest in strategic, operational and financial resilience for any global risks in order to respond and recover.

  54. Renato T. Vingno

    The rapid spread of corona virus disease globally creates issues in International Marketing. The first one is the Crisis in Management Team. Meeting and deliverables will not be tackle in this time because more companies already stop operations and focus on self protection and control. While this outbreak is going on, the best way to solve this issue is to have a web cam meetings and communication. Top leaders and managers can specific plan to solve problems of their people and the company. Another is they can continue make plans or work in their home. Another marketing issues is the Politics, every country has different political strategies implemented. It always depends on the political power of the leader. To solve this issue, inline with effects of COVID-19. International company should help and support to the needs of the countries were they market goods and services. In addition to this, the company could creates a close relationship in leader and the customers. And will results easy to expand and markets in that particular country after outbreak.

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