Diversity in the workplace means that an organization fosters a diverse and very inclusive workplace. It means that all individuals within the organization, regardless of their backgrounds, ethnicity, age, religion, gender affiliations, mental and physical abilities, and all other contributing factors, are accepted and are treated with utter respect.

Workplace Diversity: Embracing the Differences

Every workplace is unique. One workplace will never be the same as another one. Admittedly, there is no such thing as a “perfect” workplace. On the other hand, it does not mean that a workplace can no longer be improved into the best one. One of the primary factors to consider when developing a workplace is the management of diversity. This is one of the key factors that determine the satisfaction of all the workers and promotes a general healthy workplace. So, what is diversity in the workplace, and why does it matter?

Diversity in the workplace means that an organization fosters a diverse and very inclusive workplace. It means that all individuals within the organization, regardless of their backgrounds, ethnicity, age, religion, gender affiliations, mental and physical abilities, and all other contributing factors, are accepted and are treated with utter respect. In short, everyone is accepted as they are without the pressure of “fitting in” to please anyone. Every worker under a well-managed diversity in the workplace will feel that they are respected and welcome, despite and despite everything. 

Why does it matter? Diversity in a workplace brings a bunch of perks and privileges:

  1. It allows the workplace to see natural talent and skills beyond backgrounds. It means that the organization or the company gets to hire wide-ranged of talented and skilled individuals from varied backgrounds. This contributes to the growth, progress, and success of the organization.
  2. The workers will feel happy. We all know that when workers are happy, they tend to perform better, both personally and professionally.
  3. A diverse workforce encourages expansions.

You are no longer limited to a single niche nor in a single location. As diversity is practiced in the workplace, people coming from varied backgrounds can also attract a variety of opportunities. 

How can a diverse workplace be achieved?

Open Communication

Promote open communication between and among workers. No one should feel too low nor too shy to approach anyone. All workers should be able to air out their ideas and feelings in a professional manner. 

Know the Workers Individually

A diverse workplace can be achieved when workers are seen for their talents and skills and not for their backgrounds. It is essential to know their preferences, talents, skills, and even weaknesses. Through this, alignment of skills can be achieved while ensuring that the workers are assigned to areas they are passionate about. 

Reinforce Collaboration

Instead of asking workers to work individually, making variations by assigning group tasks is also a good idea. They learn from each other, and they also develop a good working relationship. It generally promotes a healthy workplace.

No Mean Remarks

No one in the organization should belittle anyone based on their background. If this happens, this should be dealt with with utmost attention. Policies implemented as possible sanctions should be given. This serves as an added protection for all workers of the organization. 

Promote Sensitivity

The organization may conduct training and seminars on how workers can be sensitive to each other’s feelings. It means that as the workers interact, they should feel empathy and sympathy towards everyone. Managing diversity in a workplace means always being kind and sincere between and among the workplace. 

Managing diversity in a workplace is crucial in maintaining a healthy working environment, making the workers feel at home, and reaching further potential. Good luck! 

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  1. Jerome D. Moreno

    Promoting diversity in our section, I promote it through respect and understanding of other culture and belief. Because each one of us has its own definition of culture and beliefs, Through patience and understanding, when it comes to anybody inside your classroom. No one should feel like his/her empty, Dont be too shy inside the classroom, We work as a team we have dreams to be achieve.

  2. Irone Calpis BSIT 3-C1

    For me as a student I prefer to promote diversity and cultural awareness is so crucial in the classroom and the benefits it can have on students now and in the long- term. Teaching diversity exposes students to various cultural and social groups, preparing students to become better citizens.

    Irone D. Calpis BSIT 3-C1

  3. Adrian Semillano

    I will promote diversity by respecting others concern. And others flaws so that anybody can enjoy. Adrian semillano BSIT 3-C1


    I will promote diversity in our class I will help all of us should practice/develop this kind of personality. We must RESPECT DIFFERENCES, we have to understand we’re different individual all of us are different not everyone have the same perspective as yours. We can’t criticize what we only see and know, we don’t have a right to judge a decision of other especially if we don’t know the person and his reason. APPRECIATE DIFFERENCES, we to learn the different point of view, we can also learn from people who are different to us. People who has a different perspective, believe, character. We should also THINK DIFFERENTLY, we have to think outside the box. It’s mental conditioning, it helps to bold our choices. Some point this will may be the way to understand and accept others.



    Having to promote Diversity in our class would be great to all of us because we all have different point of view in life, different birthplace and culture but despite all of this I saw at my classmates that they don’t mind this differences yet we managed to be closed at each other forgetting all the differences we have. Promoting diversity in our class would be pretty easy knowing we already diversity in our class.

    -Fernandez, Janry C. BSIT 3C2

  6. Renan P. Bisagar

    In our class we have different perspectives, culture, age, religion and language that’s why others are ashamed to interact. As time went on we became close we always talked we became open ti each other. Also we accept each other’s beliefs and attitude. Having communication is a way to unite and understand each other in class. For me, I will promote diversity by communicating and being Open minded with others because each of us have differences and we should respect it.
    Renan P. Bisagar BSIT 3-C1

  7. Managing diversity on a workplace is crucial, as a student in this class we need to think locally by working to identify specific problems facing students in their communities. Promote open communication between and among students. No one should feel too low nor too shy to approach anyone. All workers should be able to air out their ideas and feelings in a professional manner. Not all students experience bullying, but many still see it is a serious problem that deserves our attention. Students are most successful when they focus on those most negatively impacted by bullying and harassment. We need to promote diversity by respecting and valuing of each of our culture in this community. Also when promoting diversity we need to accept every human being has a unique and different from each other, in order to understand in each other and gives respect on each and every one.

    BSIT 3 C-1


    Every student and teacher has a social personality. Their social personality is characterized by their convictions, qualities and practices. Their societies can be distinctive among others, which creates diversity. Diversity all through the classroom will keep on developing, so it’s fundamental we get ready the students to adjust to an advancing world and embrace those unique in relation to themselves. Not exclusively does making more noteworthy multicultural mindfulness and consideration assist students with various foundations and necessities succeed, however it empowers acknowledgment and plans students to flourish in a dramatically different world.



    I will promote diversity in our class by regarding and appreciating what cultures they’ve been practicing. It will also gain our knowledge about the cultures and languages they speak. When diversity exist in a class each one of us will be flexible and has the freedom to practice traditional cultures without judging and respecting each other. Everyone should not be belittle based on their traditional cultures and background.
    – Joe-ann Grace B. Hilare BSIT 3-C2

  10. Gian Gabriel A. Ybesate

    To promote diversity towards the class, I should create a positive atmosphere inside the classroom and maybe being creative and collaborative in learning. Fostering diversity inside the classroom surely makes an impact on the performance of the students. Sharing different ideas can benefit all learners in a variety of ways and helps improve our knowledge.

    Gian Gabriel A. Ybesate BSIT 3-C2

  11. To promote diversity in BSIT 3C2, which us my class, we should accept and show respect for our raises, gender, culture and beliefs in every each on one. By that we are transparent to everbody that we can can build trust in this class. In that we are can be as one as a perfect class in my opionion. It because when we are accepting anybody we trusting that people, then you can shate your thought in that person and thats what I want to happend in my class, that we are workimg together and helping each other, no discrimination invovle, and i dont want some one in my classmate can feel.out of place.


  12. Enrica T. Abrio

    I will promote the diversity in my class by accepting every one of them no matter where they came from and their differences. I will also give them a respect that they deserves sand acknowledging their presence even we are not the same because I believe that every one of them in my class is unique on their own.
    Enrica T. Abrio BSIT 3-C2

  13. Marion Lloyd M. Santiago Bsit 3-C1

    By encouraging my classmates to respect each other so that there is no fight and peace for everyone and a peaceful life so that you have many friends and it is good to live without enemies, just respect what they do, don’t just complain because we are different. enlarged place because there are different cultures in each place, Just respect.

    Marion Lloyd M. Santiago Bsit 3-C1

  14. These are just another ways to promote diversity is to make sure that those community or group are reflective. For the challenging, difficulty we just give them opportunity to show their feelings and talk about the impact to that situation.

  15. Denver Roa Jr.

    To promote diversity there are so many ways, like respect. Respect them for what they are, respect their culture and beliefs, respect their religion and respect their human being. Open up communication. Avoid being a negative and always be positive. Encourage and motivate them, helping each other. Be open minded and accept them, where they come from and where they belong.

    Denver Roa Jr. (BSIT 3-C2)

  16. Ralph Tarre Jr.

    Encourage students to talk about the problems they see in their school and in the media.

  17. Norman B. Lopez

    I will promote diversity in the class by maintaining communication and acknowledge and respect every students.And also students should have freedom and frexibility in their own work.And we should understand each individual students so that each one of them have a freedom.

    Norman B. Lopez BSIT 3-C1

  18. For me i will loved my classmate, even our culture is different and i will respect their belief in cultures. Through respecting each other our relationship will be good. Actually there are so many ways in promoting diversity in class even in other country, We need to know and understand each other because this is the right path to understand each other

    Marjeorie S. Galario BSIT 3-C2

  19. For me i will promote diversity through accepting and respecting each other . There are so manay ways in promoting diversity in class . We need to know each other because this is the right way to understand each other .

    Jenifer G. Aquiño BSIT 3-C2

  20. Reniel M. Atillano

    if im given a chance to promote diversity to out class, I promote it through accecptance and respect of each other culture and belief because each one of us has its own culture and beliefs so we myst learn to accept it to our selves that we’re not all the same we have all differences so through acceptance we learn how to respect their culture. And I believe that acceptance and respect are one of the most important to promote in our class.
    Reniel m. Atillano Bsit-3C1

  21. To promote diversity take the time to learn about each other’s cultural backgrounds, hobbies, learning styles, and what’s unique about them. Showing genuine interest in knowing about each classmate and their culture will help build trust and allow you to form a bond with them so that they feel valued. If you feel you are valued and comfortable with others, there is a better chance that they feel they are comfortable talking.
    BSIT3 C2

  22. John Peter Solleza

    Each one of us has a difference. The way we do, believe, etc. has a difference and we should give big respect for that. Being respected is the most satisfying feeling in the world. However, before you give respect to anyone you should respect first yourself. Workplace diversity is very important not only in a specific place but anywhere.
    You have to give respect to anyone anywhere. There are a lot of things that will do when I promote diversity in the class. The first thing that I will do is explain to the class how very important workplace diversity is. I will mention also that it is not only important in the workplace but in anywhere. I will discuss also how diversity can affect our daily lives. I will tell them that each one of us has a difference in the way we do, believe, etc. and we should give respect for that. When you have not valued diversity you may not recognize, value, and leveraging people`s differences. You may not also enhance your communication skills and it can affect the productivity of a team.

    John Peter B. Solleza BSIT 3- C2

  23. Hance Peñafiel

    As a college student I will promote and improve the diversity in class because if no have diversity in school it is cause racist or bully and it is the best way to foment the student to be open minded be valuable to everyone and commit to boosting your own culture and share them, wide or explore your mind dont stick to one thing, be interested to other thing or other person dont hate and judge because you cannot see in outward appearance only.

    Hance Peñafiel BSIT 3-C1

  24. Ronnie Jude T. Tabora BSIT 3C2

    I will communicate my class vision and goals to my teachers. Encourage my classmastes and other students to come to me with any questions or concerns they may have, and work with them to promote class diversity. Demonstrate my school spirit. Participate in school activities and visit various groups or after-school programs.

  25. Ermie Grace D. Pagsuguiron

    I can promote diversity in our class by understanding each of everyone. Accept and be grateful for everyone’s uniqueness. Appreciate each difference and always be understanding the way they think and do.Differences can be a valued asset for your class and as a team.Each others differences can be a valued asset Be sensitive to each other’s feelings. Always choose to communicate with each other so that we are able to talk about each other’s perception and also to have a strong bond as a classmate. Most importantly acknowledge each potential.


  26. As a mayor in our class, their must be equality and freedom to speak with each other; freedom to share ideas and opinions. Respect will be the number one rule in our class. If you have respect with your classmates and vice-versa. You will easily get to know each other. As a mayor I will encourage them to do their task quickly and on time, because our main goal is to received diploma and if we are lucky enough I hope we can step-up on stage to received that diploma personally and feel the moment with gladness. I will motivate them to be more confident and open-minded. As a team, we can do this together. No one will left behind.

  27. To promote diversity you must e consider all the traditions and the cultures of the people around you e you also promote trust in each other that way it is easier to get to know and gain the respect of each other in this way facilitate valuing diversity makes it easier to be united and have a relationship with each other in this way it is easier to solve problems and solve any problem because everyone is a co -cooperator who tells him his idea and at the same time solve any problem in the workplace.

    Ramon Resty D. Artesano BSIT3-C2

  28. Andrada Mel V.

    To promote diversity in my class. first I will get to know my classmates in terms of culture, races, behaviour, religion and gender then acknowledge their deferences and accept and respect it. Then avoid biases and don’t feel them reject because it can create conflict to each other. and then the most important in the class was communication,communicate with them and tell about the importance and value of diversity in the work place and then tell them if we apply the diversity in the class we can create team work and team effectiveness.

    Andrada Mel V. BSIT 3C-1

  29. As I promote diversity in the class I’m going to respect my fellow classmates and also respect their beliefs and cultures so that we have a good relationship to each other. There are so many ways in promoting diversity in class, like you need to understand that each and everyone has bring a unique experiences and unique ideas. And also we need to know and understand each other side for us to have a good relationship or communication.


  30. As a student in class I can promoted diversity in class by simply respecting each others beliefs specialy in religions. All we need to do is to look for the positive meaning of things inside the class, no matter what gender, color of skin and status in life we have as long as we are alive in this planet, we are all the same and we need to accept each others situation, others are poor and others are in wealthy life we need to be as one and more than everything we are graduating as one big family, no one left behind. That is my vision in my class and that is the way I could promoted diversity

    Axel Mer N. Dolero BSIT 3 C2

  31. Jhon Christian T. Talaman BSIT3-C2

    I will promote diversity in this class, in a way of valuing every person in equality and by teaching every person in respecting each other in a matter of differences of every persons altitude, culture, religion, race, and origin in away value of it and improving the social interacting of once self to another. In this way it may help me and my classmates to interact with each other in the class and in the community.

  32. Mark Vincent M Diode

    I will promote diversity in my class by explaining first what diversity means and the importance of it to understand what diversity is. It is important to explain first what diversity means to have a knowledge about it. Promoting diversity comes first in ourselves you need to respect and value what other people’s uniqueness and culture in their lives. Promoting diversity in the class is important, because knowledge begins in what we learned in the class. Even though what differences you see in other people you must respect and value what they have all you need is to understand and appreciate it.

    Mark Vincent M. Diode BSIT3-C1.


    Diversity is the uniqueness of every person. I will promote diversity in our class by embracing ourselves, our behaviour, attitudes, and culture. Each person in class is different, difference in strengths and weaknesses that we can fill in each other. I will show them that diversity is where we are right now, despite of being unique in every ideas and knowledge we come up to the class, we always help each other, showing love and respect to other opinions and ideas. The daily interaction with other people is a diversity where we communicate and understand them even our family and friends. Diversity is where we respect and have empathy to the people around us.

  34. Rollen Mari V. Gadiano

    I will promote diversity in class, in open communication between me and my classmates. to know their diversity and respect each other’s diversity like their age, religion, gender orientation, color, disability etc. We need to respect and understand their diversity, to appreciate their diversity because nothing is perfect in this world. Also be sensitive to the people around you, in your speech that you might have offended people. Be grateful for whatever you have now and be a good person to others because you will lose nothing if you try to be good.

    –Rollen Mari V. Gadiano BSIT 3-C1

  35. Luis Fernando Endaya BSIT 3-C1

    Me and my classmate are not the same in culture, behavior and actions to deal on a certain problem, and to interact with each other. As a fellow classmate with need to be open on everyone because their are task that performed in group and we can’t go on on every school works we have if we won’t collaborate. To promote diversity in our class we should be concerned on everyone with in it and learn to be open to everyone. One big help on establishing our team work and bond is playing mobile legends, yes, even though it is not included on school program but it helps us build a bond and a team work. We learned to accept uniqueness of everyone and use it as our assets or weapon. Be open and accept everyone opinion is a great tactic to establish bonds to each other, when someone’s opinion is being listened and appreciated it will give him or her confidence and he or she will feel comfortable on the environment he or she in.
    There’s more to be done when everyone is helping hand, doing things alone won’t make any progress. It is not possible in a team or organization to improve with out diversity in it.

    Luis Fernando Endaya BSIT 3-C1

  36. Pura,Riza Mae S. BSIT 3-C1

    Promote diversity By Equal Treatment , Self awareness , broad-minded , respect each one another, and lastly be aware of every religious so that no one can be affected.We should learn to not prejudge others on what we just saw , respect each differences and show equal and fairly treatment.In general,it promotes healthy environment.

    Pura,Riza Mae S. BSIT 3 -C1

  37. Paolo Miguel S. Samson

    Acknowledgement and Respecting Every Student is my key in promoting Diversity in my class. Because having a good diverse enviroment makes the student work better, having them to bond and communicate with others and making them feel comfortable on their surroundings. This will give them the chance to concentrate more on their classes and thus will make a great impact on their educational performances. And we must not forget that having diverse classrooms will help develop tolerance in environments with other foreign cultures introduced.


  38. Anjeline C. Sampior

    Having diversity in my class is an important thing. I can help promote it in many ways. Since the article says, every workplace is unique, that goes in every class too. So, we can be the best that we are and give the best that we got. Understanding and embracing my fellow classmates can improve the diversity too. If we can just respect each others beliefs and culture, then we can have great relationship inside the class. Apppreciating others will help promote the diversity too. If someone did their best doing something, we must learn to appreciate it and he/she will definitely appreciate it too.

  39. Pamela A. Lucha

    We all have differences and we are not all perfect. I will promote diversity in the class through accepting and respecting each other. Whatever the the difference of your classmates or the gender,races, color, religion, backgrounds and status in life you need to respect it. You don’t need to tell something bad because that person is different from you and from everyone. That person also see something different from you. We need to limit the words or what we say to people because he/she is different. The difference of an individual is not an excuse for you to make a good relationship with that person. Diversity is all about how you accept and respect each individual differences and not how you judge or discriminate someone because he/she is different.

    Pamela A. Lucha BSIT 3-C1

  40. To Promote diversity, for me is we need to be close to God first, to make the right ways to get along with other people. When we have this kind of basis it is easy for us to show acceptance. You will appreciate the good things they do. Don’t focus on the wrongs. Accept their beliefs, culture, behavior, actions. That’s it.

  41. I promote diversity in this class by communicating understanding my classmate and respecting their opinion. Because without it the class will be in trouble and we would not understand each other.

  42. Aki Nishizawa

    I will teach my fellow classmates the advantages of being a diverse person so that they can have an idea what is a diverse person means so that maybe if they know the advantages of being a diverse person they can apply it to themeselves. I will be an example of being a diverse person if they like my attitude maybe they can apply it also to themselves and remember everytime how i interact with them and how a diverse person interact to other people and they will realize that practicing to be a diverse person have a good resuly not only to yourself but to other people. Because being a diverse person in school And everywhere you go you will have a harmonious relationship to other people because you know your limitation and you know how to communicate to your fellow students and to strangers

    Aki Nishizawa BSIT3 C1

  43. Angelo Casilagan

    As a student, I will promote diversity in the classroom by being aware of all cultures present. Because if you understand their culture, you will be able to deal with/or speak with them without expressing hurtful things about their culture, and you will be able to avoid these situations. Every individual in a class will be valued for their individuality. As a student, I will support diversity in the classroom by not discriminating or bullying any student based on their appearance, personality, skin tone, or sexual orientation. What if you were in his or her shoes? How would you react if you were being criticized or judged solely on the basis of your appearance? What are your thoughts? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” as the saying goes. DONT JUDGE SO YOU WONT BE JUDGE.


  44. Monera N Dondoy

    To promote diversity first is avoid being a racist. The simple things I can do as a student is to respect others. One thing can help diversity in the classroom by realizing that our differences and diversity are beautiful if only we take time to learn and know about them. By realizing that these difference and natural are what make us human, it should not be a factor that divides us but rather one that unite us.

    Monera N Dondoy BSIT3-C1

    • Kent Nicholas E. BERTOLANO BSIT3C2

      To promote diversity in a class, the very first step that you should do is to have a non biased mindset and you should understand that everyone is unique in their characteristic, culture and lifestyle. You cannot force a person to have the same perspective as yours, but you can respect his opinion. By doing that, a person can have a glimps of what it’s like to have a diversed and will oriented class. It is easy to unite as a group, coordinate as a group, annd be friend with everyone knowing that each one of you is equal. Diversity should be a subject in schools and university because it can lessen racism and people will be respectable.

  45. Jimrae F. Paragsa

    To promote diversity in this class you must have that mindset to accept each people in your class that you are unique and differ from each other. Even if you are living in different place, culture and environment you must include everyone and dont make them feel neglected and rejected because of their background. Give everyone a chance to be known and to promote themselves so that each of you will become familiar of each other’s background. Divisions can create misunderstanding and conflict that leads to jealousy between one another. Be sensitive also with one another because you grow and live with different environments and culture so that you may also prevent emotional conflicts. Promoting diversity must start within ourself don’t wait to be united but rather make a move.

    Jimrae Paragsa BSIT 3- C1

  46. Mae Grace L Jundos

    If i would promote diversity in my class the first thing that i will do is to make them understand what is diversity. Making them understand what is diversity, so that they will have knowledge about it, know why it is important, how diversity work. Giving them examples and sharing them my own experiences about diversity in the society, work or even in the class. Make them understand that diversity makes you valued each differences and how to understand each uniqueness in ethnicity, age, gender, culture and race. Nowadays discrimination is very rare especially in race, unfairly treated on other cultures, and this is one of the reason we should promote more about diversity so that people should know that differences are natural and understandable, and that each of us has our own uniqueness that we acquired. So we should embrace diversity and understand that everyone differences should be understood and respected. So promoting diversity is also to know it by yourself or by own, everyday we encounter differences even in ourselves so one thing we should to is to understand it, embrace, valued and respect it. So that’s how i promote diversity on my own or in my class.

    Mae Grace L Jundos BSIT 3-C1

    • I will promote diversity to my fellow students by giving them the honor and respect because I believe that if I will honor and respect for each one of my fellow students I will do things that they’re never felt offended from me. Everyone of us has a different backgrounds that somehow might not be accepted to the standard of the other people and that’s why discrimination will come to destroy the unity that the classroom must have. In my ways to promote diversity I will treat them the way I treated myself.

      Renz Christian T. Carisma BSIT 3-C1

  47. Laurice Abellar

    Promoting diversity in BSIT3-C1, by respecting and valuing each culture where do we belongs. Like Norman who lives in Sagay City, there’s a lot of words that are different from here in Silay City. Like Rollen, she’s 2 years older than me. And also Mae, who came from private school when she is a SHS student. But even we’re different from each other. We respect each other and also we learn each environment of our culture. Promoting diversity is very important, because there’s a lot of ideas that we can’t give or find, but others can. Each uniqueness can enhance the he productivity the class. Because learning and connecting with people who are different from you, you are opening yourself up to becoming a better problem-solver.

    Laurice Abellar BSIT3-C1

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