Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities for producers and Vendors in the Philippines

In this time of COVID-19, many are conscious of the food they take. They want something that will keep them healthy and at the same time, budget-friendly.

This is an excellent time for sellers to grab the opportunity to serve this need and a good case study for producers/farmers.

We have listed below some of the healthiest fruits and vegetables in the Philippines that are believed to boost one’s immune system.

List of Immune Booster Foods in the Philippines

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

 AVOCADO. This fruit is rich with healthy monounsaturated fats, that are very useful in preventing heart disease and stroke. Avocado is rich with Vitamin B6, vitamin E, and potassium. Avocado is also known to benefit the body in terms of beauty, especially for the skin. Other vitamins and minerals found in this fruit include Vitamins A, B12, C, D, E, and K; Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Panthothenic acid, Pyridoxine, Folate, and Choline.

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

BANANAS. One of the most common and available year-round fruit in the Philippines. This power food is loaded with potassium, vitamin B6, and folic acid. Because of its potassium content, banana is a perfect snack for people working. It prevents cramps, and because of its digestible starch, it provides ready energy for people in action. Its potassium content is also needed for people taking diuretics, people with high blood pressure, and heart disease. Bananas are also good antacid. Its vitamin B6 contents are suitable for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome.

BELL PEPPERS. Bell pepper is loaded with Vitamin C, which aids in the production of white blood cells. Apart from this, Bell pepper is packed with the following: Protein, Fiber, Vitamins A, E, B6, and K1; Potassium; and  Folate.

Red bell peppers are high in beta carotene, which is converted by your body into Vitamin A.

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

BROCCOLI. This cruciferous vegetable is packed with the needed antioxidants known to fight against cancer. Broccoli is rich in beta-carotene, folate, and  immune system booster, the vitamin C

CARROTS. This yellow color vegetable is rich with Vitamins and antioxidants to help your body fight against inflammation and cell damage. Carrots help to protect your eyes and early damage to your cardiovascular system. Not only that, but this vegetable will also help you with your beauty needs because of its nutrients that are good for the skin and hair.

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

CITRUS FRUITS. Citrus fruits are abundant in the Philippines. Pomelo, lemon, and dalandan and calamansi are relatively cheap, especially if it is their season. These fruits are famous for their Vitamin C content, which made them known to be of great help against the flu and colds. They are also great to help alleviate conditions like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Citrus fruits contain the right amount of folate that lowers homocysteine levels in the body and may reduce heart disease. While potassium aids in lowering blood pressure, too.

MORINGA (MALUNGGAY).  Another superfood abundant in the Philippines is Moringa, popularly known as malunggay. This vegetable contains calcium that is greater than what milk offers. This food is even recommended to lactating mothers. Malunggay is rich with antioxidants that battle free radicals in your body. Apart from beta carotene and vitamin c, Malunggay is also rich in Quercetin, an antioxidant that aids in lowering blood pressure; and Chlorogenic acid which helps in moderating blood sugar levels

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

EGGPLANT. Eggplant has chlorogenic acid that supports immunity through its antimicrobial and antiviral activities. Eggplant has carbohydrates,  Fiber, Protein, Manganese, Folate, Potassium, Vitamin C, and K.

KANGKONG. Another cheap yet super healthy vegetable abundant in the Philippines is Kangkong or water spinach. It is loaded with Vitamin A, which is also very essential to give your immune system a natural boost. Some of the nutrients and minerals abundant in this food are protein, fiber, carbohydrates, nicotinamide, riboflavin, vitamin C, and E.

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

GRAPES. This fruit contains anti-cancer properties such as tannins, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. The skins of red grapes offer the phytochemical resveratrol, which aids and protect the body against various chronic diseases and conditions. Other vitamins and minerals provided by grapes are as follows: Protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, Vitamin A, B, C, and K; and folate.

Grapes are also high in antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin. It has flavonoids, myricetin, and Quercetin. These substances help the body to counteract harmful free radical formation.

ONIONS. This tear-inducing vegetable is loaded with immune-boosting nutrients like selenium, sulfur compounds, zinc, and vitamin C.This vegetable is also one of the best sources of antioxidants and flavonoids with antiviral properties. Onions also have histamine regulating effects. The health benefits of onions are excellent, especially to aging people having some bone problems like osteoporosis because of its Peptides contents, which fights against loss of calcium in the body. Onion is also an excellent source of Vitamin A and folate

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

PAPAYA. This fruit is said to have been introduced by the Spaniards to the Philippines. Papaya offers a significant amount of beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), and vitamin C. Papaya fruit is excellent for the skin and the immune system. For your digestive system, Papayas contain papain, an enzyme that can help regulate their bowel movement.

PINEAPPLE. This fruit contains very high Vitamin C. It also includes the unique enzyme, bromelain, that aids in digestion and reducing inflammation in the body. Pineapples are excellent sources of manganese and vitamin B, which provide you with body energy.

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

SQUASH. This yellow fruit vegetable is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties such as vitamin C and beta-carotene. Squash is known for its properties that help people suffering from asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Still not enough? Squash also contains the following: vitamins A, B6, and C, magnesium, fiber, folate, phosphorus, riboflavin, potassium, and manganese.

OKRA. Okra is a popular food for people who have Diabetes. It is abundant with antioxidants that will help your body fight against free radicals. To boost your immune system further, Okra is high with vitamin c, which aids in the creation of white blood cells in the body. Other vitamins and minerals found in Okra are as follows: Vitamins K, B6, and A, potassium, sodium, thiamin, magnesium, calcium, folate,

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

STRAWBERRIES. Strawberries are abundant in the coldest part of the country, especially Baguio. This fruit is known for its properties in fighting cancer, gout, arthritis, anemia, and heart problems. It is known to help dispose of the excess toxins in the liver and has antiviral properties. This fruit offers vitamin C as much as oranges, vitamin A, B-complex, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and fiber.

SWEET POTATO (CAMOTE). A great item for many of your dishes, especially snack items. The powerful camote will help you against cancer due to its nutritional contents like manganese, vitamin A, and C, iron, and fiber. Sweet potatoes are also good for your digestive system.

Immune System Booster Foods | Business Opportunities

WATERMELONS. Apart from its refreshing value, these fruits have been used for bladder and kidney problems by the traditional medicines. Watermelons are loaded with Vitamin C and potassium. These fruits can also help the body with mild constipation.

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    This will help us know important food we need in our body to increase our immune system especially now that we have a pandemic going on. We need fresh and healthy foods so that we could stay away from viruses or to be sick.

  2. Thank you!!1

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