Training is the act of teaching either a person or animal new skills or reinforcing certain behaviors. At some point in their lives, everyone undergoes some form of training whether in school or work. The HR is usually responsible for planning and facilitating training for their respective organization, although outside experts are sometimes contacted for assistance. Depending on the needs of the organization, goals set, knowledge level and responsibilities of the participants, different methods are used to conduct training.

On-The-Job Training/Coaching – it is usually done by students prior to college graduation in order to familiarize themselves with their future careers but not unheard of in the workplace, especially for new hires. It involves a manager or an experienced employee teaching the trainee all the aspects and responsibilities of the job, especially how to perform it well. The “coach” must possess adequate expertise on the job, good communication skills and patience in order for the training to be effective. The disadvantage of this method is that either the “coach” may not have enough time to fulfill his/her responsibilities as more attention is given to the trainee or the other way around – not enough attention is given to the trainee as the “coach” tends to his/her regular duties.

Brown Bag Lunch Training – it is a training method done during lunch, breaks and other “informal” settings. As the name suggests, the trainer often brings food (brown bag colloquially refers to takeout food) and the participants are usually eating or doing something else during the session. This is preferred for team building, personal development or other training that require a relaxed atmosphere for the participants to better absorb the lessons being given. However, it can be a “double-edged sword” as participants may not absorb the lessons as they are busy eating or doing something else. They may not even appreciate having to “work” during breaks.

Web-Based Training – otherwise known as e-learning, it involves the use of computers, gadgets, software and the Internet. The training could either be synchronous, wherein topics are discussed in real-time via video chat, or asynchronous, allowing the trainee to download the materials for later viewing and review. Costs are often reduced for the organization as they don’t have to set up a venue and create training materials or even hire trainers, all they need to do is to design the needed software and programs then upload them online. It is also beneficial to trainees as they could access the information anytime and anywhere, provided a decent Internet connection and necessary devices are available. Disadvantages of this training method include the need to maintain certain systems and limited technological capabilities as well as its impersonal nature, which might not be ideal for some lessons such as interpersonal skills development.

Job Shadowing Training – similar to an apprenticeship, it assumes that the trainee is fairly knowledgeable about the aspects of the job and just needs refinement. He or she would observe the trainer perform the job until eventually the former can master it and pass on the knowledge. Even though it gives the trainee the opportunity to learn directly from the experts while being able to practice at the same time, he or she might gain negative habits or shortcuts detrimental to the standards of the organization.

Job Swapping Training – it is a training method rarely seen in large organizations but often utilized in small ones or those with limited manpower and resources. Trainees exchange jobs and attempt to learn about the responsibilities of the other for a certain period of time. Although not necessarily resulting to permanent job changes, it helps with cross-training employees for jobs they may need to fulfill in cases of turnover or emergencies. The problem with this method comes in the form of lost revenue and wasted resources the organization might need to endure as the trainees “adjust” to each other’s position.

Vestibule Training – also known as “near-the-job training” (NJT), it is often considered a cheaper and less disruptive alternative to apprenticeships and simulations but more effective compared to lectures and modules. Trainees are taught all the aspects of the job, from rules to responsibilities, while being able to observe how it is done at the same time since the “classroom” and work areas are located in the same location. It can be ideal for those training mechanical and technology-intensive jobs but cannot afford expensive simulators or able to “borrow” equipment from the production floor. It shares the same disadvantage as OJT as trainers might come from the production floor, resulting in lost productivity.

International Assignment Training – due to globalization, many organizations have offices in different countries and often prefer deploying existing staff rather than hiring new ones. This is where this training comes in as it aims to teach the trainees the culture, norms and everything about their new area of assignment. In return, the organization will have experienced personnel there ready to handle operations, train new hires and perhaps introduce new beneficial practices. The downsides are that the trainees may experience “culture shock” necessitating a period of adjustments, certain practices of the organization might be unacceptable in the new area and in turn certain practices there might not be ideal for use by the organization.

Training is something that everyone, not just organizations, must do in order to keep pace with the changing world. The goal is to always improve performance, maintain strengths and address weaknesses. There is no right or wrong training method for a holistic program will always combine them to maximize results. It will always depend on the need and goals of the individual or organization.



    As we discussed last time sir, any training method or combinations works well as long as it improves performance, keep tract of strengths and mitigate weaknesses. Hiring the right person fitted for the position makes training more effective. Training creates a supportive workplace wherein an employee felt challenged, appreciated, and satisfied towards their job. It could also boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. Providing a necessary training creates well-informed staff with employees who can take over for one another as needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision from others. Actually there is no right or wrong method of training programs. It will always depend on the needs and goals of an individual or company as a whole.

  2. Jermond Juesna

    In this article, different types/method of training is discussed, here are my takeaways from each:

    1. On-the-job Training/Coaching:
      It is a way to pre-expose graduating students on what the real world is like in the field that they have ventured into. It is a good way to introduce the ways and means of the industry, which will open students to what they could be involved into in their future carreer without being in the fully commited to the actual employment. With OJT they they could observe the permanent employees and from that they could prepare themselves for the real world.

    2. Brown Bag Lunch Training:
      A more informal way to incorporate training of personnel since the setting is not done in the work area. In might not be a very effective way to do development but this can be a way to lighten the intensity of the task at hand, specially to those trainings that exhaust the people undergoing it. For the trainers it would be better to always read the atmosphere of the crowed when planning to do such out of work training, since some work will always be done well if it is not stressed on that much.

    3. Web-based training
      Conducting training remotely would be a convinient thing to do specially in this time of pandemic that people are not allowed to gather in lage numbers. It would also make more sense to do this method if the work is online based or if it doesn’t need an specialized equipment that the trainees doesn’t have an access to, may it be self improvement training or even food preparation training is doable in this setting.
    4. Job Shadowing Training
      A form of mentorship training, this is a good way to ensure that the trainee would perfrom as well as the trainor. Many companies that require crucial and flawless workmanship in their production do this type of training. Rolls-Royce, a motor company even steps up this kind of method that they prefer that children of their employee succeed them after they retire just to preserve the workmanship on their products.

    5. Job Swapping Training
      The job swapping training is an efficient way to do in an organization that struggles with manpower as they can make their workforce flexible for different kind of situations and be still efficient enough to sustain production.

    6. Vestibule Training
    Near the job training, where the training is situated near enough the work area to have access to the actuall process and still don’t interupt the production. This may done to slowly incorporate the incoming employees to the organization, so that during the deployment ,disruption in the production will not be caused by new employee

    7.International Assignment Training
    A way of training that send their employees abroad for enhancement or for introduction to new technology. This is beneficial to company that are catering updated technology in their production. Since some foreign companies takes time to enter the country if would be better for a company to just send a representative to a country that the technology is readily available and undergo training. They would be then responsible to translate their training to their company and other employees.

  3. Ramie June P. Arnado

    Training is the process of enriching and improving the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other capabilities or characteristics (KSAOs) for executing a specific job. It molds the employee to enhance their talents in the workplace. There are lots of benefits that can gain in training, especially in the workplace, not only for the company but also for employees. Training the employees is a part of investment in the organization. Sometimes it fills the loss of talent in the workplace. This article discussed seven different methods of training. These methods are applied in various business entities nowadays. These methods if effective in some regions of the organization. Employees in the organization will also motivate if they learn new knowledge and skills in the company. It is an opportunity for the employee to learn specific skills and ideas to apply for the company and their daily lives. Training an employee is considered a human investment wherein benefits will occur in the entire business operation.

  4. Romeo Laud, Jr.

    The overall success of both employees and employers depends on the nature of training delivery methods. Each methods provides a different learning experience to employees that is why selecting the correct training delivery methods is critical. Training delivery methods consists of the materials and techniques used by trainers to structure learning experiences. Methods were scrutinized to ascertain their appropriateness for the learning objectives. the various training delivery methods can be separated into behavioral and cognitive approaches. lastly, there are a lot of things to consider when selecting a training delivery method for the employees training. Learning objectives and what’s best for the employee are the most important considerations.

  5. Joel Nedamo

    Covid -19 has a big impact to the world especially to the business industry. HR managers has to reconsider a lot of policies in the workplace. From their job descriptions down to the working environment policies due to the pandemic. Let say for example in all schools, most of the training now are on line. Most the time, on-line training is not enough much more when it entails skills in using certain device or technology for the on-line class.
    Also, in the manufacturing industry, workers are mandated to wear PPEs and to maintain distances from other workers. Companies lowered their acceptance of OJTs and trainees since it will be means addition to their expenses because they to provide PPE for them.

  6. Mark Winston Gabutero

    OJT is probably one of the most brilliant idea people have crafted to prepare their employees for the job. It prepares an individual for the work procedures and align their objectives with the objectives of the organization through gradual work experience. This process was also adopted by learning institution due to its usefulness. This process prepares a person/employee learn the work basics and ethics, building relationship with co-workers and etc. In conclusion, OJT/Coaching is an effective tool in develop a student/incoming employee to work situations and environment. In my own opinion, out of all the training procedures available, this is the most effective.

  7. Nino Ramon Christopher Cordova

    Based on the article of Doc. Vito on the training delivery methods it gives us a lot of options on how to make a training more interactive, lively and most of all effective based on the availability and needs of an organization. In my own opinion I can say that on-the-job training is the most effective method in conducting or facilitating a training. On this method, a student or a new employee exposed on the real job or the actual activities in the workplace. He can practically perform the task physically and by this he can easily be familiar every steps of the job.

    However, due to the time of pandemic which it is impossible to conduct a face to face training it is very beneficial the web-based training or otherwise known as e-learning. Learning can’t be stopped due to this time of pandemic, that is why we can still learn, interact and upgrade our knowledge and skills through attending an e-learning session. Accessibility is one of the advantage of the e-learning however, it has also some challenges. For example if you have a limited or poor internet connection, you will be upset and the learning process will be affected.

  8. Myrly V. Cabrera

    Training is part of human lives. It could be directly or indirectly learned through outside forces such as the environment, peers, family, mentors, and influence from social media. Some come from experiences, whether good or bad, which play a huge impact and changes in ourselves. From the day our mother conceived us, the day we were born, the way our parents or guardians upbringing us, from school, work, until we have our own family. Training is inevitable.
    Just like in the company, training plays a crucial role in developing employees. For those rare people possessing rare talents, training is a means to duplicate themselves to ensure a smooth flow of everything the way the company is being run or handled by them. Additionally, it is a way to boost employees’ self-esteem and help them to out of their shells and comfort zones. Moreover, constant and best training will lead the company on the top to have a pool of competent people that will fight and stay for them. Furthermore, it is a medium of no-escape, no-excuses, and no-holding back employees sticking with their goals that quitting is never an option.
    There is no perfect training or perfect trainer that can give all the necessary tools for the employees to be the best they could be. It is a matter of consistency in doing it with perseverance and determination to acquire the knowledge they need. The willingness to learn and be trained is what it takes to achieve it. As the saying goes, “when you stop learning, you stop growing”. Training is everywhere. Choose wisely the right track for you to ensure success.

  9. Francis Ian Pandanduyan

    Training delivery methods is a very interesting kind of approach because the trainees can choose the method of training and which they are comfortable with or they can comprehend clearly. These are also the options that the HR department can use in delivering trainings that is more effective, fun and sociable. I also realize that there are trainings that is very fancy to conduct like web-based training and international assignment training but these concept of training is like a new environment to employees, they are exposed to technology advancement and venturing outside the company.

  10. Joji Ivan O. Juesna

    What ever training method is utilized, it definitely gives a person a big boost to perform the job better than not having any form of training at all. Looking back on my own experience, I didn’t undergo On-the-Job training prior to graduating, because of this it felt like jumping into the middle of the sea when i entered the industry. What I learned in paper is now being applied in physical form and some of it was not even taught to us in school. I was learning everything on the fly. This greatly affected my quality of work and also my confidence to perform the job. Training incurs cost, however the benefits of having people trained greatly out weights the its cost.

  11. Mary Rose S. Tubid

    Dr. Mariaito “Jojo” Vito’s article about the training delivery method discussed the methods utilized in administering training. Those methods are coaching, brown bag lunch training, web-based or e-learning, job shadow training, job swapping training, vestibule, and international assignment training. He explains how to conduct each drill and its limitations.

    According to Confucius, to make the training effective, we should do it or apply it. What you hear can be forgotten, what you see can be remembered, but what you do can be understood. Therefore, it is essential to do hands-on training to gain the target talent of the company and an individual. The method of training should fit the goal of the management. An example is being a teacher learning the theories and principles of teaching are not enough. One should have ample time to conduct pre-service teaching training to understand the job’s duties and responsibilities. Observing is not enough, yet letting them handle the class with the proper guidance will make the training effective.

    The training methods also depend on the capacity and size of the company. The management’s role is to plan for training for the company, management, and worker’s growth. Also, they have to provide suitable drills to produce talented workers that will help achieve the company’s goals.

    Indeed, training is essential to survive in the fast-growing world. However, an employee should be self-motivated in learning and dedicated to work for the company. I do agree with the article and wanted to repeat the best statement that impacted me. It is about the goal of training. Training is vital to improve performance, enhance strengths, and strengthen weaknesses. And the success of this role lies in the unity of the trainer, management, and the employees.

  12. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, in my opinion, the most effective training is the On-The-Job Training/Coaching and least effective is the online learnings. But since we all need to adapt, most of our seminar and trainings are all web based. There are advantages of this approach, one of which is the trainee could take its learning phasing effectively and of course, much more safer though it would be more difficult to determine and measure the result and improvement of the trainee. From a student’s point of view, current situation is more effective and best suited for my work-life-study balance.

  13. Ronie T. Linas

    Information without application is still information, but information with application is learning.
    I think this article helps you identify how you will apply the information gained through various training delivery methods. Thanks to this article I know only about the on the job training (OJT) but not familiar with other training methods such as brown bag lunch, job shadowing, job swapping, vestibule and international assignment. Knowing all these it provides me insight into the different training delivery methods that are necessary to provide a positive learning experience that will not only benefit employees but the whole company.
    This will definitely improve the effectiveness of training, coaching and learning process by doing. Moreover the TDM is a more beneficial method to achieve the learning objectives and this is very important to consider depending on the type of training to be done but the company does not provide one training only it could be a combination of TDM.

  14. Jomar Funoan



    Training delivery methods, according to Jojo Vito Ph.D. in his article, “Training is the act of teaching either a person or animal new skills or reinforcing certain behaviors.” The HR is the one who is responsible for facilitating training and planning with the help of outside experts for assistance.
    There are different methods of conducting training.
    1. On-the-Job Training/ Coaching
    2. Brown Bag Lunch Training
    3. Web-Based Training
    4. Job-Shadowing Training
    5. Job Swapping Training
    6. Vestibule Training
    7. International Assignment Training

    Training is not only good for the organization but also for everyone adapts the new trend in society. And provide employees to sharpen their skills and learn new skills. Any training method is helpful for the organization to combine with constant training it will get a good result.


    The Training Method is in the form of exercising skills and developed new abilities. There are different methods of training to improve performance at the workplace. Like hands-on training, coaching, or mentoring, Group discussion, and activities. The HR department is responsible for the development of workers’ skills through a training program. The methods that I consider helpful for the organization are On the Job Training Method, Simulation Method, Knowledge Base Methods & Skill-based Methods. The Training Method refers to a way or technique for improving the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing assigned jobs perfectively.



    Training is the first step of learning process, there is no successfull business/ person who did not undergo training. The HRM of the organization maybe hired the most qualified candidate from the previous years, so why is the organization conducting training? Training helps the employees inside the organization to widen their knowledge and skill that they can use for the future growth of the organization, training also is the opportunity of the organization to upgrade their internal employees and maintain/ retain their pioneer workers, training also help employees to be ready for bigger responsibility in case of expansion and training is the best way to align internal employees about the new trends in the organization, so there are many ways in training delivery methods such as, scholarship programs (NC2), seminars, online training/webinars, etc. In conclusion there are so many delivery methods in training depending on what the organization’s needs to make them productive for future growth , just always remember if you are an HR look first on what the company S.W.O.T analysis before conducting training programs to ensure and improve companies future.

  16. The article talks about the different kinds of training methods that are to be conducted on different settings. First is the OJT or On-The-Job Training/Coaching, which is the go-to method of training approach of every establishment, where when you are hired you will be under a superior mostly someone with a high position in the company which handles work that is aligned to the job occupation you will be taking. Brown-bag training, which is, I think a unique way of training since it sounds like an “ice-breaker” of some sort since it is done on your vacant times. Web-based training, which is becoming a trend nowadays due to the pandemic firms would rather have this sort training to avoid the risks of having the new hiree to be infected and risking the firm to gain a liability instead of gaining an asset. this also allows the firm to discover new ways to train their employees and adapt new trends from it. Job shadowing training , i have heard of this term from my uncle, where he was sort of partnered with an employee of the same level as he is in, which is good because they both are knowledgeable in the field, but bad because there are often times that hey butt heads because there are times that their opinions are contradicting. Job Swapping training, this is to allow the employee to be trained to adapt to other companies methods and ways of handling work, this is to improve the employees capabilities and share their opinions on what they should be done to improve the company once the training is over.

  17. Liza T. Chan

    Benjamin Franklin, a famous inventor, author and scientist stated, ” Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. ”
    It is through training, that an opportunity to expand the knowledge and skills of all employees is being honed and polished, thus, it is considered as vital in every company.
    Lots of benefits can be achieved through training, but the most important of all is the improvement of employees performance. It gives the employee a greater understanding of their responsibilities within their role, and in turn build their confidence. This confidence will enhance their overall performance and this can only benefit the company.
    Improved employee satisfaction and morale is another benefit for the employees which shows they are valued. The training creates a supportive workplace. employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities may feel more satisfied towards their job.
    In addition, workplace skills is oftentimes considered as a weakness, through training program, it allows them to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. Providing a necessary training creates an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision from others.
    Furthermore, all employees need to be aware of the expectations and procedures within the company. Increased efficiencies in processes results in financial gain for the company, thus, a robust training and development program ensures that employees have a consistent experience and background knowledge.
    In conclusion, different delivery methods can be utilized, depending on the type of training needs to be performed in order to keep abreast with the fast changing global society, and to address on the needs and goals of the organization.

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